install wordpress

Sublime Slider for WordPress

Sublime Slider for WordPress

WPSublimeSlider is a fantastic WordPress plugin that allows you to create and display unlimited image galleries on your site. You can create sliders using your own images or even from a Flickr photoset or Picasa web album. The plugin supports multiple themes and the included (Sublime) theme can display your galleries at fullscreen or fit within your own predefined dimensions. This is the perfect plugin to show off your photographic work ...

Facebook Meta Tags Pro for WordPress

Facebook Meta Tags Pro for WordPress

Facebook Meta Tags Pro gives you full control over the way your WordPress site is displayed on Facebook. A lot of people who use mine (and other) Like Button / Facebook Sharing plugins want to customize the title, text, and images that are displayed when a visitor Likes or shares site content on Facebook. Facebook Meta Tags Pro let’s you do this and more! Features Supports All Facebook Meta Tags! Define Home Page / Site Wide / Other Page...

Foobar - WordPress Notification Bars

Foobar - WordPress Notification Bars

Tested and Works 100% in WP 3.5!! A WordPress plugin for adding great looking notification bars to your site. Submit your support tickets for FooBar through Visit the official site for videos, demos, feature lists and more! Updated to v2.5 – 29 July 2013 Upgraded to use OAuth API for fetching tweets. Added a new tab in settings to capture twitter app details Updated to v2.4.1 – 28 June 2013 * Fixed bug with default...

FAQ Manager (Standalone or integrate to Wordpress)

FAQ Manager (Standalone or integrate to Wordpress)

Welcome free filers – be sure to check out my other products:                       WP Plugin      $10    WP Plugin      $17    WP Plugin      $13  Standalone with  WP plugin      $16   WP Plugin      $6  About FAQ Manager A simple PHP FAQ Manager script is designed to allow you to quickly add and manage a collection of frequently asked questions which can be displayed on your website or used in wordpress. It includes a Wordpres...

Google +1 Content Locker

Google +1 Content Locker

Tap into Google’s 500 million plus users with Google +1 Content Locker and gain immediate search and social traffic boosts. More +1’s = more traffic = more money! The first plugin of its kind, Google +1 Content Locker allows you to wrap your WordPress post and page content in a “content locker” that will require the user to share your content with Google +1 before they can see it. Build a social media super prescense over night by locking al...

Google Traffic Pop for WordPress

Google Traffic Pop for WordPress

Take full advantage of Google’s 500 million plus user base by giving your visitors an alternative to ads that also create value for you. By clicking +1 on your content they share it with everyone and they get to view your content uninterrupted: a great alternative to those who have content they cant charge for but want added value from it. Requiring them to +1 before reading / viewing / downloading etc will add thousands of new visitors and li...

360 Degrees Viewer - Wordpress Plugin

360 Degrees Viewer - Wordpress Plugin

This viewer uses a list of images to simulate a 360 degrees object rotation or object animation. The multiple interaction methods makes is usable even on touch devices. It supports: 3 ways of interacting with the viewer control bar main drag&rotate area rotation toggle button You can use any number of images UPDATE – 13 July 2012 – VERSION 1 .2 Big Update, guys! Big New features: - responsize resize - new loading system (this...



Updated with New Features! TextBin has no been updated and is better than ever! I’ve added a few of the most requested features and I hope you like the new version. These include: Import/Export, Search and Updated UI. I hope you enjoy this new version and get as much use out of it as I do! Important: Note on Upgrades If you are upgrading an existing install of the plugin that has TextBin items, you will need to edit each item, save it...

Facebook Send Button Pro

Facebook Send Button Pro

Before You Buy… Intro Facebook Send Button Pro is a WordPress plugin that lets you harness the power of Facebook’s new social product: the ‘Send’ button (literally released just yesterday 4/26/2011), with an easy to use shortcode complete with its own TinyMCE toolbar button. Features: Install and use in just seconds! Facebook Send Button Pro is a zero config plugin. All you have to do is upload and activate and you are ready to roll. Sen...

easySite - Infinite sidebars plugin

easySite - Infinite sidebars plugin

This is a technical, but very useful plugin which will help you to customize your WordPress website sidebar with different widgets for each page, post or category. easySite infinite sidebars plugin is compatible with 3.+ version of WordPress. Also this plugins detect and applies to any custom post defined in your theme or plugins. The functionality is easy to understand and is perfectly integrated in default WordPress admin panel. On bot...