Google Traffic Pop for WordPress

Last Update
8 June 2011
Regular License

Take full advantage of Google’s 500 million plus user base by giving your visitors an alternative to ads that also create value for you. By clicking +1 on your content they share it with everyone and they get to view your content uninterrupted: a great alternative to those who have content they cant charge for but want added value from it. Requiring them to +1 before reading / viewing / downloading etc will add thousands of new visitors and links to your sites! More +1’s = more traffic = more money!

Demo Video Check out the demo video showing off all the features and Google Traffic Pop in action!

Google Traffic Pop Features

Locks all page usability – The user cannot interact with your webpages until the popup is closed! One click, no bulls**t install requires NO CODE use or knowledge to get up and running

Cookies remember users who already have already pressed the +1 button on your content Works on all WordPress sites big and small Support for ALL 46 of Google’s API locales! Optional close button Optional advanced close features including press ESC key to close, and clicking outside of the popup to close Fully customized CSS, set background opacity right from the options panel Disable the timer completely requiring users to +1 or close (if enabled) VIRAL  Google styled popup will induce more +1 action. Make Google your slave with just a few clicks!

Google Traffic Pop comes with full documentation, configuration help, and installation instructions.

Combo Power! Combine Google Traffic Pop with Google +1 For WordPress to have the ultimate Google +1 toolkit on your site.