
Last Update
22 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Updated with New Features!

TextBin has no been updated and is better than ever! I’ve added a few of the most requested features and I hope you like the new version. These include: Import/Export, Search and Updated UI. I hope you enjoy this new version and get as much use out of it as I do!

Important: Note on Upgrades

If you are upgrading an existing install of the plugin that has TextBin items, you will need to edit each item, save it, and use the new slug that is created on any existing shortcodes or function calls.

WordPress stores posts and meta data with ease. But what about all the small bits of text that just don’t fit in posts or custom fields? Phone numbers, hours of operation, copyright date, mailing addresses, testimonials, homepage promos, stats that appear on multiple pages but change frequently…

TextBin is the plugin to fill the void! TextBin allows you to manage all these situations with ease and even allows you to use the full WordPress text editor. Go on and add links, photos, html, the works!

Once the text is stored, use the shortcode, widget or textbin() function to add these text items to your site. This will make your author’s happy and save you time in theme development.

You’re going to love what TextBin can do for you!

Features: Full Text Editor Media Library & Linking Shortcode Widget Function Drag & Drop Ordering Import/Export Items TextBin Search