phone numbers

SMS Verification & Marketing App

SMS Verification & Marketing App

This app enables you to verify your visitors phone numbers, and make sure it’s a valid phone number. The verification is done by sending an SMS message, containing a unique code. The users can use that unique code to verify their number, and to access your locked content. So this app can also be used as a content locked, where you can reward the users who have verified their phone number with s special content, only accessible to them! F...

Smart Clipboard Extractor

Smart Clipboard Extractor

Smart Clipboard Extractor is a small application for Windows that allows you to capture and extract some definite records from Windows clipboard. It’s simple, effective and easy to use. It was designed mainly to overcome some annoying and repetitive copy paste routine. It can be used in different situations such us: extracting phone numbers, email addresses, URLs, some definite HTML tags and attributes and even zip codes. It uses the powerful ...

RegEx Extractor - Extract Everything Simply !

RegEx Extractor - Extract Everything Simply !

Only 3/5 stars ?! Oh, I’m sure that some people have invalid regular expressions… Because RegEx Extractor works like a charm ! Update 2.1 — (5/29/2013) Few improvements and fixes. New option : RAW (it will save raw source-code of the page you try extract datas ; extremly useful to optimize your regular expressions). Support of pages 7x heavier. Update 2.0 Massive update ! Now the software is fully multithreaded (extract on up to 500 URLs simu...

PHP Data Validator

PHP Data Validator

A quick and easy to use utility to validate all sorts of data for your PHP website. All validation methods are static thus dramatically improving validation speed and performance: Validation Features Include: Is Alphanumeric Value Is Alpha Value Is Upper Case String Is Numeric Value Is Floating Point Value Is Date/Time String Is Email String Is Phone Number String Is UTF8 String Is Social Security Number Is Valid URL Is ...



Updated with New Features! TextBin has no been updated and is better than ever! I’ve added a few of the most requested features and I hope you like the new version. These include: Import/Export, Search and Updated UI. I hope you enjoy this new version and get as much use out of it as I do! Important: Note on Upgrades If you are upgrading an existing install of the plugin that has TextBin items, you will need to edit each item, save it...