Google +1 Content Locker

Last Update
24 September 2011
Regular License

Tap into Google’s 500 million plus users with Google +1 Content Locker and gain immediate search and social traffic boosts. More +1’s = more traffic = more money!

The first plugin of its kind, Google +1 Content Locker allows you to wrap your WordPress post and page content in a “content locker” that will require the user to share your content with Google +1 before they can see it. Build a social media super prescense over night by locking all, or just parts of your posts and pages!

Features Content is 100% lockeduntil the user shares / +1’s your desired URL . There is no other way to view it! Works with posts & pages

Super fast, no BS install

Requires NO CODE to use! Includes powerful tinyMCE toolbar plugin that makes adding Content Lockers to your site a simply point and click operation. Fully customizable CSS and includes 7 different color themes

Proven method to increase your social traffic and Google rankings!

Use an unlimited number of content lockers in a single post / page Works great with Google +1 for WordPress and WordPress Like Locker! Great For…. Download links – Have your users share your content before being able to download Wallpaper sites File hosts Access to premium content like tutorials etc. Audio share / download sites Music video sites The possibilities are endless! Item Updates

Version 1.1 (In Review Queue) – version 1.1 fixes a bug some users where getting on pages without ’/’s and trying to login to their wp-admin aarea. There was a bug in the way the Google Plus API was loading and it has been corrected. All users are advised to update to this version.