Facebook Meta Tags Pro for WordPress

Last Update
13 August 2011
Regular License

Facebook Meta Tags Pro gives you full control over the way your WordPress site is displayed on Facebook. A lot of people who use mine (and other) Like Button / Facebook Sharing plugins want to customize the title, text, and images that are displayed when a visitor Likes or shares site content on Facebook. Facebook Meta Tags Pro let’s you do this and more!


Supports All Facebook Meta Tags! Define Home Page / Site Wide / Other Pages Meta Tags Seperately From Posts / Pages. Generate Tags On-The-Fly for Posts and Pages! Pulls post_thumbnails to Generate Thumbnails on Facebook for Your Shared Content! Optional Site Wide Meta Tag Settings for Branding etc. Includes Support for Facebook Admin IDs and Application IDs! Supports all 38 of Facebooks Enity Types! 10 Second Install. Super Easy to Set-Up Using Beautiful Integrated Admin Panel. Includes Full Documentation and Setup Instructions.