360 Degrees Viewer - Wordpress Plugin

Last Update
13 July 2012
Regular License

This viewer uses a list of images to simulate a 360 degrees object rotation or object animation. The multiple interaction methods makes is usable even on touch devices.

It supports:

3 ways of interacting with the viewer control bar main drag&rotate area rotation toggle button You can use any number of images

UPDATE – 13 July 2012 – VERSION 1 .2

Big Update, guys! Big New features: - responsize resize - new loading system (this improves A LOT bandwidth usage. The viewer will load images only if needed) - new way to configure and initialize the viewer.

- preload animation + other small code improvements. You will need to re-download the plugin, install it and configure it with the new settings if needed. It is backwards compatible. All explained in Help file. File Updated – 12 sept 2011- IE error fixed on some IE versions – it may cause an error when images are loading. - New setting available: Auto Loop – starts rotating the object after image load.

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