Facebook Send Button Pro

Last Update
3 May 2011
Regular License

Before You Buy…

Intro Facebook Send Button Pro is a WordPress plugin that lets you harness the power of Facebook’s new social product: the ‘Send’ button (literally released just yesterday 4/26/2011), with an easy to use shortcode complete with its own TinyMCE toolbar button.


Install and use in just seconds! Facebook Send Button Pro is a zero config plugin. All you have to do is upload and activate and you are ready to roll. Send / share content with groups, and send directly to friends via email! This plugin also includes a TinyMCE plugin that allows you to one-click insert customiszed ‘Send’ buttons right from your post editor Toolbar in WordPress Works wherever shortcodes work! Works with Facebook’s different color themes!

Insert an unlimited number of share buttons on a single page! Easy to use, powerfull template tag allows you to also place send buttons ANYWHERE in your themes!

What is The Send Button The Send Button allows your users to easily send your content to their friends. People will have the option to send your URL in an inbox message to their Facebook friends, to the group wall of any Facebook group they are a member of, and as an email to any email address.

Updates NEW Version 1.0.2 – (Uploaded 5/3/2011) Current Status: Download Now!

A lot of users wanted to use this with template tags as well which was a no brainer! You can now add the send button via a simple template tag ANYWHERE in your themes! Read Post