wordpress tinymce

Font Awesome Icons + Bootstrap Buttons

Font Awesome Icons + Bootstrap Buttons

Choose over 360+ icons and combine them with Bootstrap buttons to design awesome buttons for your posts and pages. Use the live preview to generate shortcodes. Works with every theme! (Even not Bootstrap based). Compatible with your Bootstrap skin! Works on Wordpress 3.3+ Bootstrap code is licensed under Apache License v2.0 Font Awesome font is licensed under SIL OFL 1.1 All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners....

Caretta Shortcodes System

Caretta Shortcodes System

Caretta Shortcodes System allows you to manage shortcodes which are used in Wordpress easy and efficiently. The usage of CS does not require additional training and allows the user at any skill level to use it in his or her theme. A simple single line connection ensures fast integration of the system into the ready-made theme for developers. This build is not a plugin, but a set of files designed for connecting them to the WordPress theme o...

Instagram Recent Photos Widget Pro for WordPress

Instagram Recent Photos Widget Pro for WordPress

Instagram Recent Photos Widget Pro is a WordPress plugin that lets you quickly and easily display recent photos from any Instagram account. Just enter a username and pick your display settings and your up and running! As an added bonus the plugin comes and a tinyMCE plugin that allows you to use the widget in posts, pages, custom post types etc! Features Install takes only seconds, setup is even easier! Display recent Instagram photos o...

Google Maps Editor for Wordpress

Google Maps Editor for Wordpress

Google Maps Editor for Wordpress let you create beautiful maps within the Wordpress text editor. You have the choice between classical Google Maps style and five exclusive color themes made for Google Maps API . Create as much markers you want on a map. The Editor Check the demo video I made on Youtube. The map editor is directly embedded in Wordpress text editor Map themes Fresh Grey Modern Countryside Old Night Bonus I added some java...

Pinterest Pro for WordPress

Pinterest Pro for WordPress

Did you know that Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google Plus, Linkedin, and Youtube COMBINED ? - Shareaholic. Pinterest Pro for WordPress lets you quickly and easily jump on board and add full Pinterest support to your site. Features Full customized support for both “Pin It” and “Follow Me” buttons. Supports all button images / sizes / counter options available! Includes shortcode AND template tag support for both buttons, and ...

Facebook Send Button Pro

Facebook Send Button Pro

Before You Buy… Intro Facebook Send Button Pro is a WordPress plugin that lets you harness the power of Facebook’s new social product: the ‘Send’ button (literally released just yesterday 4/26/2011), with an easy to use shortcode complete with its own TinyMCE toolbar button. Features: Install and use in just seconds! Facebook Send Button Pro is a zero config plugin. All you have to do is upload and activate and you are ready to roll. Sen...