Stylish User Interface (UI) Elements is an item which comes with 2 colors, 5 types of elements, 2 versions (Pure CSS3 – Non-Pure CSS3 ). Colors White Black Elements Text Box Text Area Buttons Page Navigation Menu For more information about the elements please watch the video by pressing on “Live Preview”. Don’t miss to SHARE & RATE .
HTML & CSS3 No JavaScript No jQuery - 4 default colors - Horizontal and vertical photos - Easy to customize - HTML & CSS validated
Powerfull Wordpress Weather plugin, based on MSN Weather & Foreca, with automatic location detection (with fallback) using GeoIP database, supports both Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees, also includes images for a better experience. Features: – Current weather conditions and four-day weather forecast – Temperature format changeable by visitor – Weather conditions in any language – Easy installation – Easy to edit – Cross browser co...
This is a fully functional program that will track the position of web sites in Google and Bing (set up for United States) through an intuitive Campaign Manager. The application is set up to track the first 50 SERP placements and will keep records of where the placement was at each day so that you will have historical records of your search engine rankings to make informative decisions about your SEO initiatives. With this rank tracker, you ca...
Please note I am unable to respond to support requests regarding this script any longer. This script has been tried and tested in hundreds of sites and is working absolutely fine, if you experience a problem then ensure you read the instructions carefully that come with the file. A high % of the support requests received are because jQuery has already been included on the page, don’t include it twice otherwise it’ll break everything! A Jav...
This NextGEN Template will help you to easily add a grid gallery to your WordPress website or blog. The gallery is completely customizable, resizable and is compatible with all browsers and devices (iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones). For this to work you need to have NextGEN Gallery installed. Other versions If you want an item make sure you buy the correct version. While the demo may look similar, the code and usage are different. ...
‘Smart Social Counert’ is a uniqe product of Smartdatasoft. This product is a set of social network counter which counts your website liked or shared by the users. This is the joomla version of our jquery edition Features 3 way to show top social counter Easy to configure Easy to integrate to your joomla site Share count all famous site Easy admin panle Easy t...
Description Advanced Member System is a powerful user membership system, which gives you complete control over all of your users and your content, easily and efficiently. We handcrafted every single feature, which allows them to work seamlessly together, providing you with a reliable and affordable solution. The Advanced Member System is been designed with security in mind; therefore we have added a large amount of ways to project your conte...
Facebook application that generates memes. You choose an image and the user creates his meme with the phrase you want. Memes are in vogue. They are fun and interactive. With this application you can get more fans for your page! See also the Meme Maker: