jQuery Animated Button & Menu

jQuery Animated Button & Menu

The animated button & menu jQuery plugin allows you to easily replace <a> links with animated buttons and grouping buttons into a menu (drop down menu). Features: Package contains a code for drop down menu. Buttons of any size. Any background color, hover color and font. Allows you to create animated buttons with images. Create buttons with rounded corners (not supported in IE 7 and IE 8 ). Transition easing for animation. ...

Exit Through Social Share

Exit Through Social Share

Exit Through Social Share is a jQuery module that raise popup box once user click any outgoing links on your website. Popup box suggests user either to like webpage on Facebook, +1 on Google, share on Twitter for immediate redirection to target link or to wait some time to be redirected. As webmaster you can configure delay period, content and size of popup box or exclude any outgoing links from consideration. You know, Facebook, Google Plu...

Exclusive Full Page-Fullscreen jQuery XML Gallery

Exclusive Full Page-Fullscreen jQuery XML Gallery

Exclusive Full Page-Fullscreen jQuery XML Gallery Give your pictures extra professional style! Want to create a practical and professional image gallery without any programming skills? It’s very fast and easy using our Exclusive Full Page-Fullscreen jQuery XML Gallery Nowadays is essential to have a professional unique way to present our work/portfolios to clients. Who wants to hire someone that has a faded portfolio as presentation? Wit...

Fisheye Context Menu for Joomla

Fisheye Context Menu for Joomla

Fisheye Context Menu for Joomla Fisheye Context Menu module is a customisable Right click menu for you Joomla powered website. You can add as many icons as you want, you can set the menu direction and the icon sizes as well. Features Works with every major browser Fully customisable Documentation included You can test it on the demo page!

Wordpress Plugin: Post By Date Range

Wordpress Plugin: Post By Date Range

The “Post By Date Range” plugin makes post filterable by date. It can filter any type of post/page/custom post type and then builds the necessary interface using Wordpress core functions to properly utilize it. Video Tutorial: Post By Date Range Updated! Post by Author feature added! Filter posts by Author Filter posts can be done via pre-defined and jQuery based drop down options. Such as - Today Last 7 Days Month to date Year to...

HTML5 Dock Menu Gallery

HTML5 Dock Menu Gallery

Version 1.2 Release Date 19.07.2013 Fixed various bugs related to the latest version of jquery (v 1.10) Highly customizable HTML5 Dock Menu XML with a nice design. This dock menu gallery can be used horizontaly or verticaly, also it has unique presets with pre-defined movements and presentations. You can also set the colors of the background, border etc. Every setting can be easily modified from the XML file. All you need in order to s...

MoodThingy Mood Rating Widget for WordPress PRO

MoodThingy Mood Rating Widget for WordPress PRO

MoodThingy is a plugin that any blogger can use to track the emotional feedback of an individual blog post or article. The plugin can be configured to automatically appear below all of your posts, or manually placed anywhere within a post using a handy WordPress tag. A dashboard of MoodThingy stats is also offered so you can see which articles excite, amuse, or bore your readers, sorted by mood or number of votes in the past day, week, or mont...

jQuery Card Toggle Plugin

jQuery Card Toggle Plugin

The jQuery Card Toggle plugin provide a simple solution to trigger a front/back card style navigation. You can provide the content and use the plugin to generate it easily. It use the CSS3 transition, works fine in the iOS too. Note Some CSS3 transition only works on the modern browser like Firefox, Safari and Chrome, it seems IE10 will support it too. IE9 and below will works with the fade transition. Features CSS3 driven animation, grac...



CSS3 Accordion Menu Add text paragraphs, images or even HTML content! ‘Tabs’ is a simple CSS3 Accordion menu without javascript or jquery – made with HTML5 and CSS3. You can click on a tab to open the content. The content can be a plain text paragraph, an image, a video or HTML content. You can add more than these 5 tabs or remove some tabs. Features: Add texts, images or HTML content Vertical and horicontal accordion menu Two different colo...

WPD Shopper add-on

WPD Shopper add-on

Demo and documentation Intro This WPD Shopper add-on allows you to sell e-goods. (it does not contain shipping information, this plugin is purely e-commerce). Features Categorize products/items. Coupon system. Promotion system (using images). Zip extraction for product screenshots (to upload batch images) Statistics v 1.3 Added the WordPress editor in the product form Added a function to display categories (see http://docs.u...