jquery navigation

Orion - Responsive Menu

Orion - Responsive Menu

Orion is a menu component based in CSS and Javascript code. You can use Orion for any website types. Orion is responsive, collapsible, works with CSS3 animations and has 8 preset styles. Features 8 styles Responsive Collapsible CSS3 animations Cross Browser Javascript options Easy to use Easy to customize Documented

Navy - Responsive Menu

Navy - Responsive Menu

Navy is a menu component based in CSS and Javascript code. Navy is a menu builded to work with icons and is powered by the “Font-Awesome”. Navy is a responsive and collapsible menu, has 2 themes and 9 colors. Features Responsive Collapsible 9 styles Javascript/CSS effects 361 icons (no images) Cross Browser Easy to use Easy to customize Documented

Vertical Responsive Navigation

Vertical Responsive Navigation

Vertical Responsive Navigation is a navigation component based in CSS and Javascript code. It’s responsive navigation, collapsible on mobile devices, has two themes and 12 preset colors. Features Light and Dark themes 12 preset colors Responsive Collapsible Major Browsers Compatible 361 icons available Documented

Flexy Menu - Responsive Horizontal & Vertical Menu

Flexy Menu - Responsive Horizontal & Vertical Menu

Flexy is a menu component based in CSS and Javascript code. You can use Flex Menu it as a horizontal or vertical menu. It is a responsive and collapsible menu, suitable for any type of website. Features Responsive layout Horizontal and Vertical 16 Styles (flat and gradients) 2 themes (dark and light) Javascript/CSS effects Collapsible Major browsers compatible Easy to use Easy to customize Documented

Animated Responsive Menu

Animated Responsive Menu

“Animated Responsive Menu” is a navigation component based in Javascript and CSS. This menu uses gradient colors and Javascript effects to provide a beautiful design. It is a responsive menu component and can be used in various website types. If you like, please rate it FEATURES 8 STYLES THREE HEIGHTS JAVASCRIPT/CSS3 EFFECTS FULL WIDTH SUPPORT ICON SUPPORT CROSS BROWSER EASY TO USE EASY TO CUSTOMIZE DOCUMENTED CHANGELOG 2013/04/03 ...



siteFeature is an unobtrusive jQuery plugin that simplifies the creation of an interactive “Featured Items” widget. Live Preview Update: siteFeature v2.7.7 is now available! The 2.7.7 update makes siteFeature compliant with the latest version of jQuery (v1.9.1) Key Features: Fully customizable size, position, animation, and interaction hooks 9 ‘sexy’ image transition effects including ‘fade’, ‘wave’, ‘crash’, ‘curtain’, ‘zipper’, ‘fount...

My Video Channel

My Video Channel

My Video Channel is a jQuery based script which makes it possible to display a list of YouTube videos from a specific user and play them in your own website. The reason behind the development of this script is really simple. It’s difficult to maintain videos on private servers because they take up too much space and are difficult to maintain. Through this script you could host your videos on the popular YouTube service and make them available ...

Flip Menu

Flip Menu

Flip Menu is simple JavaScript driven menu, which is written on top of jQuery JavaScript framework. Its main features are: Smooth transitions Simple and clean interface 4KB JavaScript footprint Works in IE 6 , 7, 8, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome XHTML compliant

Sleek Directory Navigator

Sleek Directory Navigator

Directory Navigator script allows you to display any directory on your website in an easy view format. All content is displayed in ascending alphabetical order with an option to switch from ascending to descending by clicking on the folder/file count text above the the files and folders. To display a directory’s contents just add the path to the function argument, or leave it blank to display the current directory. You can style the CSS how...

Modern Accordion

Modern Accordion

Modern Accordion is simple JavaScript driven accordion widget, which can be used to divide content of your site into sections. Modern Accordion is written on top of jQuery JavaScript framework. Its main features are: • Simple navigation UI • Smooth animations • Easy to integrate within the sidebar or body of existing websites • Works in IE 6 , 7 and 8, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome • XHTML compliant Modern Accordion makes use of C...