Infinity Gallery is a simple solution to allow you to easily add a Facebook gallery to a Joomla website and have it easily updated with the ease of a single click. Infinity Gallery Infinity Gallery is a Joomla component build from Infinity Plus . The component is fully integarted with Facebook and comes with pre-created Facebook App that makes the entire installation and configuration smooth and painless. You can create Joomla albums sour...
Wall of Fame is a plugin that displays most active commentators in a grid. All you need is insert [walloffame] shortcode into your content. As an administrator you can set avatar size, colors and how many honored commentators to show. Plugin also has Wall of Fame widget, so you can easily insert it into widgetized areas. Add spectacular feature to your website and motivate visitors! Features Smooth grid of top commetators: most active comm...
Happy users words:the 3D effect is unique and total success…you have really built a new way to see/look at images…. Looks Amazing on my client web site great job…Thank you for taking the time to created something so beautiful. F3D Wordpress Slider is based on jQuery Featured 3D Slider plugin that converts static HTML content into a 3D stage with smoothly moving objects. It is very easy to integrate it in a WordPress theme. Slides are just wra...
This script was created to give you a single point of contact for QR codes. With the evolution of Native Mobile Apps and Mobile sites we are seeing more and more QR codes. One large issue is that when advertising an app you must, either, have a separate QR code for each operating system and device if you want to provide a direct link to download the app. People have tried to work around this by first letting the user scan the QR code where the...
IMPORTANT: Those who already purchased the script, please update to the last version as I improved it with a tons of new features (scroll down to see the changelog) . Advanced PHP Search Engine using Bing API system, it gives you results for Web, Images, Videos, also supports lots of operands like “site:”, “link:” etc, have various features like “Safe Search”, and more… the design is based on Metro UI, but you can modify how ever you want, ...
Modern News Ticker is a modern, powerful, flexible, fast, easy to use and customize news ticker. It offers a varied number of features while still being lightweight and very easy to work with: It comes with 15 different themes to choose from. It has 4 different effects. It has 4 different layouts. It can have either round or square corners. It offers options to control the effects as well as the autoplay settings. Data can be loaded from a RS...
Joomla Smart Social Pop up is will increase your joomla site popularity in the social network site. The user have to wait certain time unless they share or like your site. Please see and rate the plugin if you like Features Three popula share site Time for site pop up time out. Easy to integrate to your joomla site Easy admin panle Easy to change any value Change to text Coded standart joomla rules. Testimonial 5 Stars for all: Plugin, ...
Facebook Application that allows you to create memes. The user a meme among the 18 that come (you can enter, edit, delete memes), type the phrase you want and ready, is published in the timeline. You can do with your fanpage memes, can promote a better meme or also promote ads. See also the Meme Generator Facebook App:
CSS3 Pill Buttons is a set of fourteen clean & colorful pill-shaped buttons which work great on almost any website with a light background. Features Clean & colorful Pure CSS3 Easy to add icons (30 icons included) Easy to use & to add images Fourteen color schemes included Cross-browser compatibility Clean & commented code Detailed documentation. Compatibility Internet Explorer 8+ (Note: some features...
This is a pack of pure Css3 and HTML Pricing Tables is a complete solution for building awesome tables for your website. It comes with 9 color variants and easily to customize so you can create your own. A well layered PSD and detailed Documentation are included in the package. Features Pure Css and HTML 9 Different Colors Version Hover States Documentation No images No Javascript Gracefully degraded in older browser Easy to customize Bro...