Modern News Ticker

Last Update
22 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Modern News Ticker is a modern, powerful, flexible, fast, easy to use and customize news ticker. It offers a varied number of features while still being lightweight and very easy to work with:

It comes with 15 different themes to choose from. It has 4 different effects. It has 4 different layouts. It can have either round or square corners. It offers options to control the effects as well as the autoplay settings. Data can be loaded from a RSS or Atom feed. Data can be loaded from Twitter. Dynamically loaded data can be set to automatically refresh at an interval of time.

Updates August 22, 2013:

Fixed a bug that was causing the news not to display properly when the width was set as responsive and the window was resized.

August 15, 2013:

Updated the code of the effects so that the first list items animate as well. Fixed a bug that was causing a delay in the refresh of the loaded RSS-Atom feed.

June 26, 2013:

Made an update to the Twitter feed functionality to work with the 1.1 update of the Twitter API.

February 13, 2013:

Added a setting to control the automatic refresh of dynamically loaded data at an interval of time. Added a method to be able to call the refresh through code, if needed.

February 9, 2013:

Updated the guide Updated the code Updated instructions Updated file structure