From the creators of the best selling Flip Book ever, we present Responsive Flip Book WordPress Plugin. It is fully HTML & jQuery driven no Flash Player needed. Works on desktop and mobile devices! You get the same experience on every platform because responsive design makes it look good on all resolutions. Easy to customize with an advanced admin panel Change Log Responsive Flip Book WordPress Plugin 18/05/2012 - Version 1.0 - release...
There are icons for Google + , Forrst, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Pinterset, YouTube and Vimeo. Icons come in size 32px – 32px and 48px – 48px.
Advanced Widget Pack – WordPress Plugin Advanced Widget pack is a collected of 15 of the most popular and useful WordPress widgets. Description The Advanced Widget Pack WordPress plugin is a pack of popular high quality widgets that allows you boost your blog SEO by displaying you most popular, recent, random posts in your sidebars. Display your blog contact information for clients to easily get in touch. Enable visitors to subscribe to your ...
Introduction This module is usefull in making entering “Mobile No” as a Mandatory Feild in opencart helping you to cantact customer easily. This module is usefull to Opencart websites beacause it makes entry of Mobile no mandatory in following areas: Billing address in checkout. Shippment address in checkout. Insert / Edit address in Address Book. Signup form. Features Makes Mobile number Mandatory helping you to cantact customer easily...
All in One Social Share Joomla Plugin if the One Stop solution for your Social Sharing/Bookmarking needs on your Joomla Website. (Supports FACEBOOK , TWEET , GOOGLE +1, PINTEREST Button and other 108 social bookmarking buttons. Get it and drive more traffic to your website! Why you should use it ? Social Sharing and bookmarking the only way to your site content pages to share your website contents and drive traffic to your website....
You have an existing website, and without code, you want add a CSV , XLS or HTML report from your database. Print your client list, products list , export all your comments or articles from you wordpress Try “Export Button Wizard” and create a button with your export function You can customize the button or use your own. You can even customize your report with your logo or use your own css for your HTML report. Plug and play. Unz...
This X-Cart Slideshow Module allows you to add Unlimited Jquery banner to your X-Cart website. The X-Cart Slideshow module creates rotating banner with different transition effects using your supplied images. It is simple, and easy to use. Plus the module supports unlimited slideshows on your ecommerce website.
Description LBEvents is a plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create and manage events and display them in a calendar. Insert calendar base on shortcode so it easy to add to any Post/Page. The calendar is very simple to install, implement and use. Controls calendar via AJAX so the page not reload each time when move to next or previous month. LBEvents also allow users to vote an event lets you know everyone’s feeling about th...
In today’s world many people have to send files to relatives or clients. But most of those people don’t check if the file has been infected with malware, viruses, rootkits or whatsoever. This is where Anti-virus Uploader jumps in. This simple yet effective web application can help you with that problem. After you upload a file the cronjob will automatically upload the file to the antivirus API where the file will be checked on malicious materi...