membership sites

Groups Forums

Groups Forums

Please rate it! Please rate this item once you have tried it. Please let us know if you have problems before you give a low rating. Many problems have usually an easy solution and we’re glad to help you. Your feedback is important so that improvements based on your needs can be made, and suggestions are always welcome! See the section on Support below. Groups Forums Groups Forums provides a powerful and yet light-weight forum system for ...

Author Submit File - WordPress Submission Plugin

Author Submit File - WordPress Submission Plugin

UPDATE V1.5 14/01/2013 Author Submit File Plugin now has the ability to have allowed file extensions added in the settings page due to popular demand. The Author Submit File WordPress plugin makes it easy to add a user file upload section to your WordPress website. With just 2 shortcodes added to a page you can have a dedicated section for users/authors to submit all sorts of files (ZIP’ed up) for you to review. WARNING! If viewing live ...

Advanced Member System

Advanced Member System

Description Advanced Member System is a powerful user membership system, which gives you complete control over all of your users and your content, easily and efficiently. We handcrafted every single feature, which allows them to work seamlessly together, providing you with a reliable and affordable solution. The Advanced Member System is been designed with security in mind; therefore we have added a large amount of ways to project your conte...