Complete Google & Bing SERP Rank Tracker

Last Update
24 August 2012
Regular License
Extended License

This is a fully functional program that will track the position of web sites in Google and Bing (set up for United States) through an intuitive Campaign Manager. The application is set up to track the first 50 SERP placements and will keep records of where the placement was at each day so that you will have historical records of your search engine rankings to make informative decisions about your SEO initiatives. With this rank tracker, you can track an unlimited amount of campaigns and competitors.

Not only does the program track and record the rankings, but it also has a beautiful Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery front-end to make your job even easier. Rankings are presented in DataTables, with a comparison to see where the rankings were previously (yesterday, last week, last month). You can also easily pull up a line graph depicting where the rankings have been previously. The program is even set up to use private proxies! A video walk-through is included for a quick and easy install.

Please note: the use of proxies is recommended if tracking many keywords as there is no way around captchas in the script. In addition, if you receive a captcha anytime you do a request to either google or bing from the IP you wish to run the script (not likely), Proxies are required. If you have any questions, please let me know before you purchase the script.

In addition, as this is a bit of a complicated script, please do not be afraid to let me know should you have any issues and I will do my best to get you up and running as soon as possible.

Note: A user has setup a forum to discuss any issues (or whatever) dealing with the script. I think it’s a good idea and appreciate the thought (I also may participate every now and then) so here is the link:

Requirements Mysql database PHP 5.3+ mbstring cURL If you are wanting to do more than 50 keywords/day (may be more or less), you will need private proxies to support the scrape.