EU Cookie Law Script

Last Update
26 May 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Please note I am unable to respond to support requests regarding this script any longer. This script has been tried and tested in hundreds of sites and is working absolutely fine, if you experience a problem then ensure you read the instructions carefully that come with the file. A high % of the support requests received are because jQuery has already been included on the page, don’t include it twice otherwise it’ll break everything!

A JavaScript solution to the EU legislation coming into action May 26th 2012.

Includes; - Smooth slide down banner - Fade in bubble - Custom text change options (change any of the text) - Custom URL for additional “read more” link within bubble - Slide away upon agreement - Control animation - Fix bar to top of window - Code example of usage (only save cookies if user has agreed) New Europe Only Feature: (will only display message if user is in Europe) This is a new feature added in 1.3, provided upon request from a few users however this relies on the system clock of the visitor using the site. I can’t guarantee the users clock is correct so i cannot guarantee this will always work which is why i am stating it should not be relied upon and used at your own descretion.

On 26th May 2012, new laws came into force in the EU that affect most web sites. If cookies are used in a site, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 (UK Regulations) asks that the website user must give consent to the use and placing of the cookies. This script takes less than 2 minutes to implement and complies with the new legislation.