wordpress plugins

Panelator Administrator Skin

Panelator Administrator Skin

The wordpress admin skin (or theme) customizer, you were always looking for. With clean design and whitespace in mind, we created a unique admin experience! It includes style for different post, comments and plugins statuses and for the admin bar on the front-end of the website. Using fonts instead of image icons for the menu, we turned this skin compatible with high resolution displays. WITH OPTIONS PANEL Supports Many Popular Plugins &a...

Ajax Content Navigator for WordPress

Ajax Content Navigator for WordPress

Show ANYTHING in a beautiful grid style, with automatically created ajax filters, beautifully! Ajax Content Navigator (ACN ) is a plugin that helps you create infinite, pinterest style grids/walls on your WordPress site. Allow visitors to quickly browse content on your website and find exactly what they are looking for using powerful instant ajax navigation filters with Ajax Content Navigator! ACN is using AJAX to load and filter your conten...

Auto Grid Responsive Gallery - Wordpress

Auto Grid Responsive Gallery - Wordpress

Auto Grid Responsive Gallery Wordpress This is a plugin that scans a folder in your plugins folder of your Wordpress and its subfolders containing images. The subfolders will be the categories that will appear at the top, and the plugin will make a grid responsive gallery with the images. You only need to Drag and Drop images into a folder. And add the gallery in your posts or pages with this short code: [autoGrid] You only need to take...

Share Locker

Share Locker

The first Facebook Share to Unlock for WordPress (as well as FB Like, Tweet, Google+ and VK.com) Share Locker is a five in one features plugin: Share to unlock Like to unlock Tweet to unlock Google+ to unlock VK like to unlock It can be configured to use any combination of the above lockers you need. Share Locker is a WordPress plugin that lets you hide a content on a page or a post. If a visitor wants to unlock the content, she needs...

FlipBook v7 - WordPress Plugin

FlipBook v7 - WordPress Plugin

Flash – standard version: Update 21.VII.2013 Fixed bug (could not add photos in the post or page ) Update 5.VI.2013 You can add images from Media Library Update 6.II.2013 I added a menu ‘Settings” for carousel Fixed other minor bugs Video tutorials: Installing my plugins FlipBooks – CLICK ME Manage my plugins FlipBooks – CLICK ME Features: - based on flash - multibook – you can add a few books ( icon at the bottom left ) - reverse f...

Affiliates Share

Affiliates Share

Please rate it! Please rate this item once you have tried it. Please let us know if you have problems before you give a low rating. Many problems have usually an easy solution and we’re glad to help you. Your feedback is important so that improvements based on your needs can be made, and suggestions are always welcome! See the section on Support below. Social Sharing for Affiliates Affiliates Share is a WordPress plugin that makes it eas...

Rocket Dashboard: Revamped WordPress Dashboard

Rocket Dashboard: Revamped WordPress Dashboard

A New Dashboard Experience for WordPress! The Rocket Dashboard gives WordPress a fresh new look by restyling the admin dashboard. All you need to do is activate this plugin and your WordPress dashboard will never be the same! Click here for a live demo! Fresh Contrasting Color Scheme Fundamentally, the design of the Rocket Dashboard revolves around making sure that the actual work window of WordPress is the only part that is dark on white. The...

SuperLike - Ajax content like system for WordPress

SuperLike - Ajax content like system for WordPress

Version 1.03 update notice: A widget is now included with plugin that can show your top liked content as user requested. Version 1.02 update notice: Now you can disable the button on any post using Post settings, and also override the default/active theme for any post. Now includes a widget that show your top liked content Shortcode Integration to place ANYWHERE within Post/Page! Post/Page Specific Like Settings Supported! Automatic Integ...

Post Info & Social Blocks - WordPress Plugin

Post Info & Social Blocks - WordPress Plugin

With Metro style taking the internet world by storm a lot of websites are struggling to keep up without a full make over. The Post Info & Social Blocks plugin for WordPress allows you to add a little Metro to your website easily. Simple installation followed by a few tweaks by the website owner will give you an awesome user friendly block system to liven up your website. Features Display Post Info Show the reader the tags that the pos...

FlipBook v6 - WordPress Plugin

FlipBook v6 - WordPress Plugin

Flash – standard version: Flash – facebook version: Update 26.I.2013 Improving the operation and small errors Video tutorials: Installing my plugins FlipBooks – CLICK ME Manage my plugins FlipBooks – CLICK ME Features: - reverse flip book for the eastern countries (right to left) - shorcode - you can add swf, png or swf files (swf file can be attached video) - you can add a double page - you can print pages - you can add logo and ...