icons for facebook

Vinyl Social Media Animated Icons

Vinyl Social Media Animated Icons

Vinyl Social Media Animated Icons: Simply choose your desired rotation animation (add class to element): tn_spin (it spins 360 degrees [1 rotation] clockwise) tn_spin_r (it spins 360 degrees [1 rotation] counter-clockwise) tn_spin_2 (it spins 720 degrees [2 rotations] clockwise) tn_spin_2_r (it spins 720 degrees [2 rotations] counter-clockwise) BONUS: Example dee jay console NOTES It works only on IE10+, Opera 12+, Chrome 21+, Safari 4...

FlipSocial - Flippy Social Icons jQuery Plugin

FlipSocial - Flippy Social Icons jQuery Plugin

What is FlipSocial? FlipSocial is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 to flip social icons whenever they are hovered. They can be flipped horizontally to the right, horizontally to the left, vertically to the top, vertically to the bottom or randomly. It comes ready with 48 social icons, including: aim apple behance blogger cargo delicious deviantart digg dopplr dribbble ember evernote facebook flickr forrst github google g...

Metro'Con Metro Styled Social and Link Type Icons

Metro'Con Metro Styled Social and Link Type Icons

Metro’Con CSS Social & Link Icons Seventy Seven (77!) icons, 4 color versions available and three classes for the style (normal – no borders, Square Border & Round Border). Adding Metro’Con CSS Icons to your site is as simple as adding just a few lines of code. Just attach the desired stylesheet to your page and include the HTML markup. There are examples on how to do this in the documentation. I have also included an example.htm...

Panelator Administrator Skin

Panelator Administrator Skin

The wordpress admin skin (or theme) customizer, you were always looking for. With clean design and whitespace in mind, we created a unique admin experience! It includes style for different post, comments and plugins statuses and for the admin bar on the front-end of the website. Using fonts instead of image icons for the menu, we turned this skin compatible with high resolution displays. WITH OPTIONS PANEL Supports Many Popular Plugins &a...

CSS3/HTML5: Clean Social Media Collection

CSS3/HTML5: Clean Social Media Collection

The Details A CSS3 /HTML5 social media button collection that is simple to use, elegant, and modern. View the Video Screencast Demo You get: 99 Social Elements in the set 51 Buttons 48 Icons Three Different Sizes (Small, Medium, Large Buttons and Icons) 100% CSS Gradients Easy to Use & Install Instructional Video The Photoshop Documents Wanna get your hands on the PSD ? Well here you go: View the PSD on Graphic River Keep Up-t...

jQuery Social Bar

jQuery Social Bar

Item Description: The jQuery Social Bar is a professional and elegant plugin that adds the possibility of show your social profiles in a sleek and innovative way. Set the quantity of icons, links, texts, and speed animation easily. Details: jQuery Framework 21 Social Icons included Pinterest Facebook Google Twitter Flickr RSS Skype Linkedin Contact Youtube Orkut Myspace LastFM Digg Delicious Tumblr Picasa Vimeo Reddit Technoratti...