Panelator Administrator Skin

Last Update
4 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

The wordpress admin skin (or theme) customizer, you were always looking for. With clean design and whitespace in mind, we created a unique admin experience! It includes style for different post, comments and plugins statuses and for the admin bar on the front-end of the website. Using fonts instead of image icons for the menu, we turned this skin compatible with high resolution displays.


Supports Many Popular Plugins & Custom Post Types We created the Panelator in way that it is compatible with any wordpress plugin which respects the wordpress core styles. We also wanted to go one step further and include menu icons for some of the most popular plugins out there. Currently we are including custom icon for: Jetpack, Buddypress, ContactForm7, Next-Gen Gallery, WooCommerce, AdvancedCustomFields (ACF), Facebook, TablePress, The Events Calendar.

We have also included icons for some custom post types we think you might want. This means that if you have named your custom post type: “product”, “book”, “event”, “music”, “song”, “track”, then you have an icon for menu waiting for you.

Coming Up with the forthcoming updates

Distraction Free Writing Mode themes. Support for more plugins (commercial & free)

Installation - The installation is as simple as it can be: Just activate it!

Browser Support IE9, IE10, Chrome (edge), Firefox (edge), Safari (edge)

More info & news Panelator Official page

Change Log 2013-08-03 | v1.2

Fix the options panel to work with wordpress 3.6

2013-03-08 | v1.1.1

Fix the name of an options panel function that caused a fatal error, during activation.

2013-02-17| v1.1.0

Addition of options panel with import/export functionality

2013-02-14 | v1.0.2

Added support for the following plugins: Admin Menu Tree Page View, Debug Bar, Quick Cache, Developer. Added support for “slide” & “slides” custom post type.

2013-02-09 | v1.0.1

Small updates to the auto upgrade script.

2013-02-06 | v1.0.0

Initial Realease


The Font Awesome pictograms are licensed under the CC BY 3.0 License

Including the Open Sans Google Font