SuperLike - Ajax content like system for WordPress

Last Update
2 February 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Version 1.03 update notice: A widget is now included with plugin that can show your top liked content as user requested.

Version 1.02 update notice: Now you can disable the button on any post using Post settings, and also override the default/active theme for any post.

Now includes a widget that show your top liked content Shortcode Integration to place ANYWHERE within Post/Page! Post/Page Specific Like Settings Supported! Automatic Integration with every post/page – Just set auto integration mode! Manual Integration inside the Loop/Posts! All you need to do to manually integrate the like button (If you switch off auto-integration) a single line of code in the loop will do: <?php echo wp_superlike(); ?>

Manual Integration outside the Loop/Posts! All you need to do to manually integrate the like button (If you switch off auto-integration) a single line of code in the loop will do by passing the ID of post you want to show likes for: <?php echo wp_superlike('post_id=XXX'); ?>

SuperLike! Like System SuperLike! is a content like plugin for WordPress that let you create your own customized like system in minutes. It works out of the box, admin panel is included for customization/options. Each post has a unique like button that is seperate from the others. You can have multiple like buttons for same post too.

Documentation / Examples

Major Features

Automatic Integration with WordPress! Works on ANY WordPress Theme!

Administration Panel to modify button options, customize it, and more

Shortcode button included! to add the Like button to any part in your content Available in 4 sizes to satisfy all needs (Small, normal, medium, large) Comes in 2-Layouts (Standard and boxed count) like Facebook! Fully customize the position of your button element on the page!

Exclude any Post or Page from showing the Like button

RTL Right To Left support is included Loaded with 12 Skins already

Unlimited Colors Customize your button look and feel easily Nice number formatting supported (e.g. 999 becomes 1K like Facebook style)

Allow/Prevent Multiple Likes from same user per post

User IP check to prevent multiple likes from same user per post Customize button text If user has already liked Optionally show alert If user tried to like a post twice and fully customize the alert text!

Fully Localized – Translate it easily into any other language

Admin Panel: Customize button settings, look, and more