Auto Grid Responsive Gallery - Wordpress

Last Update
18 July 2013
Regular License

Auto Grid Responsive Gallery Wordpress This is a plugin that scans a folder in your plugins folder of your Wordpress and its subfolders containing images. The subfolders will be the categories that will appear at the top, and the plugin will make a grid responsive gallery with the images.

You only need to Drag and Drop images into a folder. And add the gallery in your posts or pages with this short code: [autoGrid]

You only need to take care of organizing your images in folders and if you want adding thumbnails.

Note: The images are uploaded via FTP to a folder so you can take advantage of the goodies of FTP uploads using droplets or whatever FTP tool of your choice.

Recommendation: If your Wordpress site is on the web, connect via FTP with transmit and create a droplet of your gallery folder, and you will be able to drag and drop images from your computer to the droplet super easy.


Don’t need to code Scans a folder in your server and its subfolders containing images Support thumbnails for the grid only to the images you want to improve performance Accept Images of any dimensions Fully Responsive Grid and Lightbox Full width, the grid will adapt to the 100% of its container if you set the width of each column to ‘auto’ You can specify a static width for each column or specify number of columns When specifying the number of columns you can set the minimum width for each column CSS3 Effects Direction aware hover effect Lightbox with slideshow (play, pause, auto-play) Using JSON for a faster retrive of information Easy implementation ever so you can add it to your page super fast and easy, and also make more instances very quick (just by adding a HTML line of code) Order the images By Name, By Date or Randomly Compatible with Twitter Bootstrap Bootstrap is not be required Specify the number of images to load on every ajax request so you don’t have all of them at first when the page loads Deactivate and Activate Features through Javascript Options You can link to another page when you click in a thumbnail Free Technical Support

You can take a look to the documentation HERE

----> Update: July 18, 2013 IE was showing fat images in the lightbox and now is fix

----> Update: July 15, 2013 New Option "Images Order In All" so when you are in the all tab the images will be load in order as well

----> Update: July 4, 2013 (replace autoGrid.min.js) Fixed a small console errors

----> Update: June 28, 2013 (replace gridGallery.css) Fixed a small bug when you click the load more images button, Also fixed a centering issue of the lightbox in firefox

----> Update: June 25, 2013 (replace reader.php file) Fixed some issues when there is no categories, also some JSON security was implemented

----> Update: June 21, 2013 NEW HUGE UPDATE The plugin was made totally from scratch again, reusing just few lines of code so now it has a better structure and fixed bugs and undesired behaviors. I improved the design and added many features and effects. It is a totally new plugin so the changes are not compatible with the old version, but you can always stick with the old version which I do not recommend.

----> Update: April 22, 2013 Now it support multiple Galleries in your WP, just to the shortcode pass a parameter specifying the url of another gallery, for example: [gridGallery directory="gallery2"]

Now you can link to your posts, if you want an image of the grid to link to a post instead of opening the lightbox just in the name of the image specify the url after "$$" for example like this: image2$$sample-page.png

----> Update: Feb 20, 2013 Fixed some problem with the background color option in the admin page.

The images on the live preview were made by my friend named “Gema Ramirez” and you may contact her here: