Affiliates Share

Last Update
24 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

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Social Sharing for Affiliates

Affiliates Share is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy for your affiliates to share content using their affiliate links.

Affiliates Share integrates with the free Affiliates plugin and the premium plugins Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise. Obviously one of these is required for the affiliate link functionality, although you can also use this plugin to simply render the sharing buttons it provides.


Share buttons with automatic links for Affiliates Integrates with Affiliates, Affiliates Pro and Enterprise Supports Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and AddThis

Includes own Login and Share buttons Buttons for Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types Prefix and suffix single posts or post archives Shortcodes included to render buttons anywhere API functions for easy use in templates


See the plugin in action on the Demo site, you can also register a demo affiliate account there and try it out.


Visit the documentation pages for the Affiliates Share WordPress plugin.

Support, Feedback and Feature Requests

You are welcome to post a comment on the plugin page, if you have questions or problems please make sure to provide details there.