Database Abstractions



With this jQuery plugin you will be able to display information from a MySQL database easily and fast. Initialize the plugin by assigning it to a container element (such as a DIV), set the sql query you want to run and that’s it, the rest will be done by the plugin. You will have a table inserted in the container with the information returned from the database, with pagination and sortable column headers.

Simple Database Abstraction for PHP and MySQL

Simple Database Abstraction for PHP and MySQL

Manipulate with your data using simple methods Powerful actions in simple Active Record style. No any SQL writing. Fast and low-memory usage, compact and cleaner resulting code Features Simple insert, update and delete Batch inserts and updates Where conditions and fulltext search Sorting and grouping Joins of multiple tables Foreign keys updating Checking the uniqueness of records Concatenation and group concatenation Min, max, sum ...

Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer

Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer

Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer is a simple web application allow users to export or import any tables from or to CSV, Excel, PDF files. No special installation needed, the admin Login/Password is stored in configuration file and protected with .htaccess file Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer able to : Export Import CSV Export Import Excel (xlsx, xls), Export PDF Export to CSV, Excel and PDF with custom que...



This small class will save you time by providing CRUD methods for quickly building SQL query statements. This can be used and integrated into any existing project with ease. Also, it is great at handling exceptions when SQL errors are produced. System Requirements PHP 5 PDO Extension Supported PDO Driver(s) – PDO_SQLITE, PDO_MYSQL, PDO_PGSQL Usage require('class.db.php'); // Create $bind = array( ":id" => $_POST['user_id'], ":user" =&...

Hezecom PHP Code Generator

Hezecom PHP Code Generator

HEZECOM PHP CODE GENERATOR Hezecom PHP Code Generator is a PHP, MySQL and PDO code generator which generate classes for each table in your database. Its aim is to speed up your application development process. All you need to do is just create your database and the Code Generator will generate the classes which consist of INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT and DELETE which are the major database operations, not only that, it will also generate stylish C...

smplPDO - MySql Database Helper Class

smplPDO - MySql Database Helper Class

smplPDO Database Abstraction Class smplPDO is a simple and light-weight PHP PDO Database Abstraction Class written to extend PHP Data Objects (PDO) with extremely useful features. Shorthand methods packed with it can reduce the amount of duplicate code and increase readability of your scripts as well as improve security and performance with automatically preparing & executing prepared statements. With smplPDO, you can write fully functiona...

Email Downloader with Attachments [PHP]

Email Downloader with Attachments [PHP]

Email Downloader is a PHP application/concept used to download Emails from your inbox. It also downloads the attachments that you get with your Email. Email Downloader currently supports POP3 and IMAP Email accounts. NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) functionality can be added if requested. You can view your email contents once downloaded. The email body message is viewable, whether it is in HTML or plain text, as it is. It’s just li...

xCRUD - Data Management System

xCRUD  - Data Management System

xCRUD – is a simple-usage but powerfull Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) generator application for PHP and MySQL. The application offers you many ways to work with your data and scaffolding, while remaining very easy to use. Content management becomes simple and flexible, hours of saved time, minutes to implement. You can use it as plain php script or with your favorite framework or cms. Features: Single-line syntax for more convenience, it’...

Serial System

Serial System

The Serial System, is a system where you can manage serials. You can easily integrate it with your software if you so desire, with the included API . It’s also easy to look up a specific serial. When you generate a serial, it’s also possible to mail it to someone directly! The mail, it sends, can be editted from the settings menu. I hope you will enjoy the system as much as I enjoyed creating it. Version 1.1: Fixed: A minor bug with the ...

CakePHP Instagram Datasource

CakePHP Instagram Datasource

Instagram CakePHP 2.0 Datasource acts as a basic wrapper for the Instagram API that allows you to interact with the Instagram API from CakePHP 2.0 as you would with any model.