Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer

Last Update
15 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer

Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer is a simple web application allow users to export or import any tables from or to CSV, Excel, PDF files. No special installation needed, the admin Login/Password is stored in configuration file and protected with .htaccess file

Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer able to : Export Import CSV Export Import Excel (xlsx, xls), Export PDF Export to CSV, Excel and PDF with custom queries Enable update queries Console command line to export/import huge databases

Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer using :

Bootstrap style + reponsive version Simple MCV Application Easy Installation

You can customise the import or export function to be applied for each recored, you don’t want to use it put them to `none`. By default they are in config/parameters.ini : export_encode_function=”utf8_encode” import_encode_function=”utf8_decode”

For some databases, you need to setup the option database_default_charset in config/parameters.yml, example : `database_default_charset: “utf8”`

Installation This is the 2.0 version.

Put the whole application where you want Change the admin login/password in config/parameters.yml Change the url in config/parameters.yml Enjoy !

Console Commande

To import huge databases open file config/console.yml, in import settings section configure table name and import options, next just run : `php bin/console import` To export huge databases open file config/console.yml, in export settings section configure table name and export options, next just run : `php bin/console export` Enjoy !

Update : Version 2.0 :

Command line to export/import huge databases Enable update queries Using yml files for application configuration instead of ini Add database_default_charset option in parameters.yml Improve performances Fix minor bugs

Update : Version 1.1 :

Fix minor bugs Allowing execution with previous version of PHP 5 (like PHP 5.2)

Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer need PHP5 to work. Live Demo

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