Email Downloader with Attachments [PHP]

Last Update
5 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Email Downloader is a PHP application/concept used to download Emails from your inbox. It also downloads the attachments that you get with your Email.

Email Downloader currently supports POP3 and IMAP Email accounts. NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) functionality can be added if requested.

You can view your email contents once downloaded. The email body message is viewable, whether it is in HTML or plain text, as it is. It’s just like viewing it from your Outlook/Gmail/Hotmail/etc inbox.

This application can be used for a variety of purposes:

• To make backup of your emails and store them in your PC with attachments. • Batch download of attachments which fit a certain criteria. Eg: Pictures from a Emails received from a specified email address • You can make another application out of the Mail Class, used to download and sort out the Emails.(For this you will need the extended license)