xCRUD - Data Management System

Last Update
1 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

xCRUD – is a simple-usage but powerfull Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) generator application for PHP and MySQL. The application offers you many ways to work with your data and scaffolding, while remaining very easy to use. Content management becomes simple and flexible, hours of saved time, minutes to implement. You can use it as plain php script or with your favorite framework or cms. Features:

Single-line syntax for more convenience, it’s very simple: echo Xcrud::get_instance()->table('products')->render();

Multi-instance system, which allows on a single page to load multiple xCRUD instances and to work with multiple tables simultaneously.

Connect to multiple databases simultaneously and work not only with different tables on the page, but also with multiple databases!

The fast ajax interface (powered by jQuery) for all of your actions, you do not need to wait for page reloading and loading unneeded modules, you get access to the data almost immediately.

Great compatibility and easy integration in any script, framework or CMS.

Supports all popular types of fields mySQL, date- and time-picker for date fields, drop-down lists for ENUM and SET fields, TynyMCE support.

Simple validation rules.

Control over your data through the callback functions.

Control displayed fields and columns, turn off the main actions, search, export to CSV is also present. Lot of features for grid customization.

One small css file to completely change the look of xCRUD’s datagrid.

Supporting file and image uploading, thumbs creation and resizing. Blob storage is also available for images.

Table joining is available.

Simple plugin for easy wordpress integration.

Support via comments and email.

System Requirements

PHP 5 MySQL 5 mbstring extension mysqli extension

xCRUD 1.6 Beta version is available. You can see a simple demo here Changelog: v.,v.

Nested table details fixed. Dependent dropdown js fixed. Other small fixes. Xcrud v1.6.0beta1 available.


Time format and condition() bugs fixed. Nested_table() can create more one instance per field.


Nested sets and other small bugs fixed.


Small bugs fixed.


Search fixed. Query constructor fixed. Subselect fixed. CSV export fixed.


Added new method field_tooltip(). Added tooltip features in table_name() method. New method search_columns(). Added date range in search. Float field lenght fixed. Map fixed. CSV export fixed. Search in subselect() columns fixed. Other minor bugs fixed.


Subselect() ‘before’ option fixed. Some call_page() fixes. Some nested_table() fixes. Minor rendering fixes.


Relation() fixed. Nested_table() fixed. Modal() fixed.


Relations and search in related columns fixed. Nested_table() fixed. Alert() fixed. Where() (values array) fixed. Column_pattern() fixed.


Some tricks with auto-clearing session data. Unset_view fixed. External images is available in grid. Absolute path generation fixed. Relation() fixed. Default separator changed to space. Config file updated, minimal theme updated. Extended fields() method: tabs is available now; defining different fields for create, edit, view. Button() method supports {column_tags} in ‘link’ parameter now. Date range is available between ‘date’ fields. Added localization support for date- and time-pickers. Null-option and default language params added in config file. WordPress plugin updated. JQuery, jQueryUI, timepicker are updated to latest.


Session structure reworked. Added auto-clearing and auto-instance. You no need set instance name anymore. Benchmark fixed. Added default database time zone option in configuration file. Timestamp default value fixed. Lot of small bugs fixed. New method column_pattern(). New methods replace_insert(), replase_update(), replace_remove(). Added dependency feature into relation() method. Now you can use dependent dropdowns like ‘country->city’ etc. Added tree feature into relation() method. You can sort you dropdown like nested sets tree (pk tree in development) New page_call() methods. Added detail view featue, can be disabled by unset_view(). New bootstrap theme ‘minimal’.


Language() function fixed. Primary auto-detect fixed. modal() fixed. Small bugs fixed. Configuration file updated. New method mass_alert(). New method location(). New methods column_callback() and field_callback. Sum() method supports custom layer now. Https detecting fixed.


Bug fixes (timestamp, bootstrap css path and other small fixes). where() method updated. Now it supports array in second parameter.


Columns class fixed. pass_var() fixed. Image resizing fixed. Multiple fields(columns) parameters fixed. Added more grid options in configuration file. Added bootstrap autoload (activate it in config). Sum() reworked. Added new method load_head() – retutns xCRUD scripts and styles string for custom including. jQuery updated to v.1.9. jQueryUI updated to v.1.10.0


Joins is coming. New method join(). Most methods reworked. More safety for frontend. Nested tables reworked. nested_table() now returns self instance. Unlimited nesting. DB driver changes data format from objects to arrays. Localization, new method language(). New field type ‘remote_image’ (not available thumbs in grid yet). New method unset_title(). New method unset_numbers(). New method unset_pagination(). Parameter ‘not_rename’ is available for images, preventing overwriting for files and images New method subselect() – select to other table with parameters. New method highlight() – adds color or class for column cell on condition. New method column_class() – adds class atribute to column. New method modal() – shows cell info in modal (bootstrap theme only) Simple WordPress integration plugin is available. Relation where param fixed. Image deleting bug fixed. Small fixes.


Nested tables fixed. Added instance name in first parameter. Instances bug fixed. Button parameters fixed. New configuration parameter ‘disable_plugins’ is active. Small code fixes. New method unset_print().


Printout on filter bug fixed. Callbacks fixed. Double escaping fixed. Sum() and ‘price’ type fixed. All queries in database in unbuffered now. New method button(). New method unset_search(). New methods alert(), alert_edit(), alert_create(). Some validation fixes.


File and image headers reworked. Replacing bug fixed. pass_var() affects the duplication fields. fixed_action_buttons option in config file. New links_label() and emails_label() methods, param [text] in file and image params. New field type “price”. Some safety restrictions to prevent illegal data manipulation. Timestamp display in grid fixed.


New method duplicate_button() and new duplicate entries feature. Search enter key bug fixed. Grid links fixed. Added file links and thumbs into grid (see configuration file). Added gallery demonstration in demo. Yes/No displaying for bool type. Basic printout functionality.


Uploads fixed in IE and Opera. Relations columns conflict fixed. Added safety rules for field names and values (quotes bug). Some themes fixes. File names is clickable now. External callbacks fixed. Documentation updated.


New method pass_default(). New method condition(). New method no_quotes(). New method nested_table() and some nested tables features. Primary and unique fields checking. Scripts url and scheme autocorrect (www/not www bug). Improved session control. It suports dynamic session name now. Theming support and Bootstrap theme available. Additional settings in configuration file. Small code refactoring. Changes in folders hierarchy. Now all scripts is local. CSV import rewrited. Many small fixes. The demo was simplified.


Timestamp minor fixes. Relations bug fixed. Added port support in dbhost option. Columns method fixed. readonly() and disabled() fixed.


Uploading errors fixed. New additional parameters added into columns() and fields() methods. Hidden field type now is deprecated. Added hashing in password field type.


New method pass_var() (according to the wishes of cfoinfo). New parameter in configuration sess_name to ensure compatibility with other scripts that use PHP sessions. Search bug fixed. Completed timestamp field.


File uploads are available. Image resizing. Blob storage for images. Password fild type fixed. Enum and Set lists fixed. Rows number header fixed. Fields ordering on create action fixed. Inorrect fieldname escape fixed (non latin characters is fail, thanks largo6). Short tags removed. Documentation was updated. Demo source included.

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Tags: php ajax crud datagrid, crud php mysql, php crud application, php crud grid, simple php crud, crud php script, php crud class, mysql datagrid, php data grid, php grid generator, php content management, php database manager, data management php, scaffolding php, php crud generator, php datagrid mysql, jquery grid php