Simple Database Abstraction for PHP and MySQL

Last Update
10 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Manipulate with your data using simple methods Powerful actions in simple Active Record style. No any SQL writing. Fast and low-memory usage, compact and cleaner resulting code


Simple insert, update and delete Batch inserts and updates Where conditions and fulltext search Sorting and grouping Joins of multiple tables Foreign keys updating Checking the uniqueness of records Concatenation and group concatenation Min, max, sum and total Increments and decrements You do not need to remember about tildes and quotes

System Requirements

PHP5 MySQL5 MySQLi extention

Changelog v.1.0.4

Minor fixes in where() method. Added new methods open_sub() and close_sub() – creating sub-conditions between where() parts.


‘Like’ methods fixed. Added order_by() method (alias of sort_by()).


New methods get_list() and get_single(). Added ‘alias’ parameter in join methods. Random fixed. Other minor bugs fixed.


get_one() and fields() methods fixed. Added new method distinct().

Suggestions and comments are welcome.
