Hezecom PHP Code Generator

Last Update
24 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

HEZECOM PHP CODE GENERATOR Hezecom PHP Code Generator is a PHP, MySQL and PDO code generator which generate classes for each table in your database. Its aim is to speed up your application development process. All you need to do is just create your database and the Code Generator will generate the classes which consist of INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT and DELETE which are the major database operations, not only that, it will also generate stylish CSS3 forms for INSERT and UPADATE, and also generate stylish CSS3 grid table to view all records and CSS3 table to view a single record based on the table name selected. The generated classes are commented for easy understanding base on their operations, which means editing the code to your taste is very simple, if necessary. If you have not started using OOP in php, this will be a good starting point for you and if you have whao! Then enjoy the power of speed using this app to generate sophisticated code for your projects. Save time and money developing your app with just few clicks is so amazing and fun. FEATURES Generate Data Access Layer Classes in PHP for MYSQL Tables Generate PDO data objects class for each table Generate MySQL objects class for each table Generate stylish CSS3 design forms for INSERT and UPDATE Generate stylish CSS3 grid table to view all records (support 4 links to add/update/view/delete) Generate stylish CSS3 table to view single record Option to choose either PDO or MySQL data layer support The generated PDO classes support multiple datable e.g. SQLite, Oracle, SQL Server…etc. Generate a single class and form for each table Four database operation are generated for each table which include (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) The generated code work instantly after clicking on the Generate button Option to preview your generated code instantly without any adjustments Build in self-defined functions Just copy the generated folder to use with your project (PDOclass/ or MySQLclass/) Generated codes are easy to customize when necessary depending on your project requirements. Uses Bootstrap CSS There are other exciting features…

Generating Code

Select a table you want to generate code for and click on the Generate button that’s all. Whether you are using MySQL or PDO data support layer is the same process. Example is shown below:When you click on the Generate Codes button you will receive this message. You can click on the Preview Code Output link to see your generated code in action.

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System Requirements

PHP 5+ MySQL 5+ PDO extension


Fixed textarea form update You can now generate code without having to type anything. Auto detect Primary Key of selected database table. Uses the table name to create class without having to type the class name again New CRUD icons for delete, update, add and details with improved design.


12/12/2012 Minor Bugs fixed and E_NOTICES fixed 29/11/2012 Bug fixed and classes enhanced