


ImagePress is a multi-purpose fully-featured and WordPress-integrated image gallery plugin. ImagePress can be installed on any WordPress site. ImagePress is feature-packed: arrangement of images in unlimited levels of albums/categories; image information stored in WordPress database; users can upload images via web interface; allows both registered users and non-registered users (guests); allows image moderation or direct publishing; masonr...

RolePress – Role-Tailoring for WordPress Made Easy

RolePress – Role-Tailoring for WordPress Made Easy

Make your WordPress site more interactive! By default the content of a WordPress site is pretty static: you typically have a navigation menu at the top and one or a few sidebars and widget areas. The information displayed in them are the same regardless of the visitor. With RolePress you can make your site more dynamic by allow you to role-tailor that content: i.e. adapt the content of your site to the current user’s role (administrator, edito...

WP Move Users

WP Move Users

This Wordpress Plugin allows you to quickly move users from one Wordpress site to another. Its Wordpress Multisite ready so the plugin even works on entire networks. List of Features Export Users To export the users you have multiple options. You can export all users or choose to include or exclude specific users based on user IDs. Import Users Once you exported the users on the first site you now can just paste the export code which ...

VoicePro, Instant Ajax Feedback Form for WordPress

VoicePro, Instant Ajax Feedback Form for WordPress

Please note: The feedback form is toggled by default for demo purposes only. What is VoicePro VoicePro is a light-weight, elegant feedback form for any WordPress based site. Instant E-mail Notifications! Browse all feedback, reply feedback under your Dashboard, collect user IP and more Individual page for each Feedback item, details of message, and option to reply the user directly from WP Key Features Plug and play, no setup required, ...

My Profile - Profile Editing WordPress Plugin

My Profile - Profile Editing WordPress Plugin

WARNING! When viewing the demo site using the Live Preview button above, be sure to click the Remove Frame button as the bar causes some problems with the links on the pages Allowing users to edit there own profile (including image) really helps transforms a website into a community. The My Profile WordPress plugin allows you to add the profile editing functionality easily by dropping a shortcode into an existing or new page. Designed to be...

PrivateContent - Mail Actions add-on

PrivateContent - Mail Actions add-on

Note: this is an add-on. You must have at least PrivateContent v3.0 to use it. Extend PrivateContent – Integrates e-mail Mail Actions fills the last missing part of PrivateContent giving you a complete membership solution. Integrates e-mails in each process and allow you to sync seamlessly users with MailChimp, the best way to manage newsletter campaigns. Enable only what you need, each module can be used singly, the only thing you need is...

Facebook Login & User Analytics Script 1.0

Facebook Login & User Analytics Script 1.0

The facebook Login and user analytics script will enable users to login to the website using facebook login and therefore the user data’s are saved for the marketing purposes. More than the email we are trying to establish an relationship between the user and you so you can know more about the users collective intrests and make effective changes to satisfy the users. Features : User email collection Gender analytics chart Peak time usage cha...

File Share Manager

File Share Manager

With this script you can implement in your site a complete system to easly manage and share your files.Fast and easy to use, you can add it to your website and you can setup all the system in a few minutes. FEATURES: - You can share files publicly or privately. - Simply organize your files in folders. There are 3 types of users: - SUPERADMIN: this is the super user who manage all other user. This can create and manage Admins and Users, upload ...

jFile Storage and Management

jFile Storage and Management

jFile Storage and Management is intended to help web masters and developers to offer storage place and file management tool for their user base. This web app can be used by multiple users simply defining a unique user ID for each user at initialization or as single user “all files available to all” basis. Users can upload any file type and you can set the quota of available space for them. The file upload process features a multiple uplo...

MyProfilePage - a beautiful profile for iOS

MyProfilePage - a beautiful profile for iOS

MyProfilePage is the perfect profile page for your iOS app. Whether you want to promote a company or display information about yourself in any of your iOS apps, MyProfilePage is the best way to do just that. With beautiful retina graphics and animations and full support for the latest social services, you can promote a person, company, etc… with ease. MyProfilePage is super easy to customise and requires no programming skills what so eve...