File Share Manager

Last Update
27 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

With this script you can implement in your site a complete system to easly manage and share your files.Fast and easy to use, you can add it to your website and you can setup all the system in a few minutes. FEATURES: - You can share files publicly or privately. - Simply organize your files in folders. There are 3 types of users: - SUPERADMIN: this is the super user who manage all other user. This can create and manage Admins and Users, upload files… - ADMIN: this is the user who can upload files and create Users list who can only download his files. -USERS: this is the user who can only download files. Try the DEMO with this passwords: - “SUPERADMIN” – Username:superadmin Password:demo This is only the superadmin password…if you want to try other types of users, you simply login into the demo, create new user, logout and re-login with username and password created by you. For problems and questions, we are available 24 hours on 24.. Visit our Web Site:


- Added security informations - Updated documentation [2013-06-10]:

- Speeded up and upgraded the system