
Last Update
1 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

ImagePress is a multi-purpose fully-featured and WordPress-integrated image gallery plugin. ImagePress can be installed on any WordPress site. ImagePress is feature-packed:

arrangement of images in unlimited levels of albums/categories; image information stored in WordPress database; users can upload images via web interface; allows both registered users and non-registered users (guests); allows image moderation or direct publishing; masonry layout, custom sizes and unlimited styling possibilities;

search feature; allows image sorting by category, date, title, ID, random, both ASC and DESC; random picture; multi-lingual; user comments (based on theme design and Akismet-enhanced); pagination options (images per page); style options (background custom colour picker and fancy shadow); option to choose maximum width for thumbnails (create nicer looking thumbnail rows and cols, masonry-enhanced); extensive help pages; English as a fallback language for not translated entries in language files;

easy to integrate with other WordPress plugins;

5 shortcodes available; supported formats are .jpg, .gif and .png; customizable image upload size;

RSS feed;

See the demo here –

Use the shortcode tag [imagepress-add] in any post or page to show the submission form. Use the shortcode tag [imagepress-search] in any post or page to show the search form. Use the shortcode tag [imagepress-show] in any post or page to display all images. Use the shortcode tag [imagepress-show category="landscapes"] in any post or page to display all images in a specific category. Use the shortcode tag [imagepress-random] in any post or page to display a random image. Use the shortcode tag [imagepress-random category="landscapes"] in any post or page to display a random image in a specific category.