PrivateContent - Mail Actions add-on

Last Update
3 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Note: this is an add-on. You must have at least PrivateContent v3.0 to use it.

Extend PrivateContent – Integrates e-mail Mail Actions fills the last missing part of PrivateContent giving you a complete membership solution. Integrates e-mails in each process and allow you to sync seamlessly users with MailChimp, the best way to manage newsletter campaigns.

Enable only what you need, each module can be used singly, the only thing you need is an E-mail. Plus, each e-mail sent is fully customizable by you using the handy WP editor!

Verify users via mail Till now you needed to enable manually users and wondering if their e-mails were not fakes. Now PrivateContent do it for you!

Enabling this module new registered users will receive an e-mail with a the link to a preset validation page. It will take care of validating new users, enabling their accounts and branding them as verified.

Finally you can choose to block duplicated e-mails. The best way to build a great mailing list!

User and admin notifier Until now the only way to check if new users subscribed was to check directly opening the website. Also for users, to check if their accounts were activated was to try the login. For medium-to-large share websites it is very uncomfortable.

Mail Actions solve this problem, notifying to admin when a new user registers and notifying users when their accounts are enabled! Optimizes your time and give a better experience to your users!

Password Recovery The most requested feature for PrivateContent was a password recovery system. Finally it has come!

Users with an e-mail will be able to retrieve their passwords simply inserting the username in the login form. You can also choose if the password sent via mail is the original one used by the user or a more secure new one automatically created.

Try live the password recovery here

MailChimp Sync Finally, now you can do serious newsletter campaigns syncing PrivateContent users with your MailChimp account. The procedure cannot be easier: simply create an API key and a list to use as PrivateContent users container!

Every user with a valid e-mail will be synced and, moreover, user categories will be synced. You will be able to send targeted newsletters to one or more PrivateContent categories!

The syncing process can be managed manually or automatically, letting PrivateContent to do it each time a user is added or removed.

Walkthrough videos To make this add-on easy for everyone there are videos explaining each step necessary to setup and use it:

E-mail system setup Users Verification The shortcode

Changelog See the changelog here