MyProfilePage - a beautiful profile for iOS

Last Update
18 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

MyProfilePage is the perfect profile page for your iOS app. Whether you want to promote a company or display information about yourself in any of your iOS apps, MyProfilePage is the best way to do just that.

With beautiful retina graphics and animations and full support for the latest social services, you can promote a person, company, etc… with ease.

MyProfilePage is super easy to customise and requires no programming skills what so ever. Anyone can start using & customising MyProfilePage to their needs. Just import MyProfilePage into your Xcode project and then edit the “Config.h”. Super easy

MyProfilePage also comes with a PDF implementation guide to help you set it up and use it in your iOS applications Key Features - Full support for 4 inch and 3.5 inch on iDevices such as the iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 5th generation. Previous iPhone such as the 4S and 3GS will also be able to support MyProfilePage.

- Full support for the retina display: the UI of MyProfilePage looks crystal clear and really stands out from crowd.

- Full support for social services such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus and more!

- Simple to use and looks great: MyProfilePage has been designed in way which allows users to pick up and go. It’s so easy to navigate through the app and use the key features.

- Easy to customise, no programming skills needed. Just edit the “Config.h” file and your ready to go.

- Support for Map + Pin and user location.

- And much more! Other For more information please leave a comment. Thank you