php mysql

Drag and Drop Online Shop

Drag and Drop Online Shop

08.08.2013 – Version 1.5 Released - Responsive Template (3 templates included now) - Latest jQuery and jQuery UI - Coupon fix - Tested up to PHP 5.4.10 30.04.2013 – Version 1.4 Fix - 1and1 Server fix (admin/index.php and include/functions.php changed) 19.01.2013 – Version 1.4 Released - fixed remove from cart bug - fixed order chart in acp - fixed facebook incompatibility with jQuery 1.9 - jQuery 1.9 compatible Please download it ...

ModelBuddy - PHP Model Generator

ModelBuddy - PHP Model Generator

Model generator for MVC based applications. It connects to a MySQL database and generates model files for each table. You can set model classnames prefix and add custom default data type values.

Mega Contact

Mega Contact

Mega Contact is a versatile and flexible Ajax contact form builder created from the ground up. It allows you to quickly construct an Ajax contact form and incorporate it into your page. Both, front (JQuery) and back-end (PHP) are written in an Object Oriented style that allows for extensibility and code reuse in an efficient manner. With the exception of the reCaptcha service by Google, Mega Contact does not use any third party code or plug...

sSql Mysql Database Abstraction

sSql Mysql Database Abstraction

Description sSql is an easy to use database abstraction class for mysql and php with some basic features. Its purpose is to make the database related work much easier. sSql features query stack, wich is used to delay the execution of queries and execute multiple queries. Also it includes query timing and query printing into a readable html table format for debugging purposes. You can read the documentation for more information and for the ...

JQUpload And Advanced Back-End

JQUpload And Advanced Back-End

this application provide to store file on server and manage them from a beautiful back-end. the front-end: - upload with a progressbar (use jquery ui) - use plugin uploadify to upload files - fields validation width jquery-validate plugin - haight personalization (code and graphic) - control of size and extension of files - presonalize wait and complete upload message - easy to use the back-end: - complete control on your files - use plugi...

simpleCE (Mini CMS)

simpleCE (Mini CMS)

You can use simpleCE in a lot of different cases: with the basic functions you can create editable websites, slideshows, galleries, landingpages, Facebook pages and some more cool things … (try the live preview and convince yourself) simpleCE is a simple Content-Management System with front-end editor mode. That means, you can directly edit its contents, files and images in the view in which you would see your website as a normal user. Ther...

ExplrPHP - Easy Tree Navigation Menu

ExplrPHP - Easy Tree Navigation Menu

ExplrPHP is a PHP script which provides an easy way to generate tree navigation menu in server-side from various sources of formats: usual PHP array, JSON file, XML file, or MySQL database table. Requirements: PHP5 jQuery Explr jQuery plugin Code example: <?php // include the required ExplrPHP class require_once('relative/path/to/Explr.php'); // give each instance a unique tree id $explr = new ExplrPHP('menu2'); // set path to Ex...

Secure Login System

Secure Login System

Secure Login System is a new and complex web application that can be used to protect pages you need to be hidden from visitors and visible only to the registered members as well as an user management system, because it comes with an Admin backend which has the following features: Manage Users ( Create / Disable Users & Change Level of Access ) Backup Users ( Backup Database / Rollback Backups ) Notify Users ( Email Users ) Export CSV...



About Import large sets of data into an SQL table; ToSQL will create a suitable table structure, guessing data types, keys and more, and then proceed to inserting the data. This can be useful for those with large amounts of data stored in XML or JSON files, who want to make the transition to SQL . Usage $query = ToSQL::Import($table_name, $data, ToSQL::<type>); // mysql_query($query); </type>

HackerCatcher - Catch hackers w/ Admin Panel

HackerCatcher - Catch hackers w/ Admin Panel

HackerCatcher is a complete system (with admin panel) designed to catch if someone is trying to hack your page and save his data: IP, String (with the one that tried to hack), date, file, details about the hack, and more. The features are: Can catch XSS /SQLi You choose what inputs to listen and catch hacks All the hacks detected are saved into database (of course, escaped) You can receive an email if someone is trying to hack your page In ...