JQUpload And Advanced Back-End

Last Update
31 January 2012
Regular License

this application provide to store file on server and manage them from a beautiful back-end.

the front-end:

- upload with a progressbar (use jquery ui) - use plugin uploadify to upload files - fields validation width jquery-validate plugin - haight personalization (code and graphic) - control of size and extension of files - presonalize wait and complete upload message - easy to use

the back-end: - complete control on your files - use plugin flexigrid for files visualization - you can delete, download files or view their features - automatic pagination - advanced search (default you can search file for their name, their author or author e-mail, but you can expand these params changing code of php file "list.php"

P.S. this application needs mysql db, there is a backup of it in the package (JQUpload.sql), the database name id JQUpload and the table upload_files.

you can change their name, setting db connection in file inc_db.php