control panel

Flatpanel Backend Framework

Flatpanel Backend Framework

flatpanel is an easy to use backend framework for all your Wordpress needs, from making control panels to run your own php code without disturb WP. Description This framework really implements server side validation for every element, by using callbacks. Watch video demo Main Features: Ultra Fast deploy Run your own php code/script on backend! multi instance, you can use in multiple plugins Build your own script wit...



Control wheel is a lightweight jQuery plugin what helps you to create knob style interfaces. With it’s easy to use method you can create a knob interface with ease. All modern browsers, smart phones and tablets are supported.

Infinity Gallery

Infinity Gallery

Infinity Gallery is a simple solution to allow you to easily add a Facebook gallery to a Joomla website and have it easily updated with the ease of a single click. Infinity Gallery Infinity Gallery is a Joomla component build from Infinity Plus . The component is fully integarted with Facebook and comes with pre-created Facebook App that makes the entire installation and configuration smooth and painless. You can create Joomla albums sour...

Simple Document Mananger

Simple Document Mananger

Easily manage your project documents with Simple Document ManagerUse this tool to create new projects, companies in seconds and upload your files inside a secure control panel. We also built in a search tool so you can quickly find projects and companies. Our script was created with a clean, simple and mobile friendly (responsive) interface. Features: Secure control panel Ability to add/delete/edit projects, companies and files Responsive CS...

JQUpload And Advanced Back-End

JQUpload And Advanced Back-End

this application provide to store file on server and manage them from a beautiful back-end. the front-end: - upload with a progressbar (use jquery ui) - use plugin uploadify to upload files - fields validation width jquery-validate plugin - haight personalization (code and graphic) - control of size and extension of files - presonalize wait and complete upload message - easy to use the back-end: - complete control on your files - use plugi...

Registration System with Invitations

Registration System with Invitations

With this system you can protect your php pages in few minutes. How to do that, it’s very simple, when a visitor wants to see your protected page, will need to login, but for registration on website, visitor need to be invited. The invite system is protected and the invitations can’t be cracked. Features Website Features: Form validation with jQuery Easy integration on your website Easy configuration and installation System for password rec...

Facebook Gallery

Facebook Gallery

Facebook Gallery is lets you add Facebook albums to your website. You can integrate photos from your life page to your website, or from a user account. Current version: 1.5.1 If you want all the features of Facebook Gallery, plus a regular gallery script, take a look at Website Gallery. Once installed, you can add an unlimited number of Facebook users and/or pages to the application, where you can browse their albums and download them...

FAQ Manager (Standalone or integrate to Wordpress)

FAQ Manager (Standalone or integrate to Wordpress)

Welcome free filers – be sure to check out my other products:                       WP Plugin      $10    WP Plugin      $17    WP Plugin      $13  Standalone with  WP plugin      $16   WP Plugin      $6  About FAQ Manager A simple PHP FAQ Manager script is designed to allow you to quickly add and manage a collection of frequently asked questions which can be displayed on your website or used in wordpress. It includes a Wordpres...

Fake Admin Honeypot

Fake Admin Honeypot

Fake ADmin Honeypot is a fake /admin directory in your server that mimics a real admin directory (login screen)... Attackers usually try by trial and error to guess the directory of administration panels (Control panels) in websites. The most common directory being “Admin” or “admin” but you can have as many fake directories as you wish (or use rewrite rules in your htaccess file if you know how to do that). Attackers will “guess” your a...

Manage categories of hierarchic content

Manage categories of hierarchic content

Manage Unlimited categories, sub-categories or sub-sub-categories Description This script can be used to manage categories of content stored in a MySQL that is structured in hierarchies of unlimited depth. The categories hierarchy is stored in a MySQL table that keeps the information about each category including the identifier of its parent category record. The script provides functions to add a new category, edit, delete and retrieve ...