Manage categories of hierarchic content

Last Update
21 December 2009
Regular License
Extended License

Manage Unlimited categories, sub-categories or sub-sub-categories

Description This script can be used to manage categories of content stored in a MySQL that is structured in hierarchies of unlimited depth.

The categories hierarchy is stored in a MySQL table that keeps the information about each category including the identifier of its parent category record.

The script provides functions to add a new category, edit, delete and retrieve the details of an existing category. Cross-Browser Compatible (IE6+, FF, Safari and more).

Updates 22/12/2009:

Added feature to upload icons to each category when add new category or edit it. Added feature to show popups with description when the category title is moused over. Features (Extremely easy to integrate)

Insert new categories to the structure: ParentID (Parent Category): every category should have a parent category, if it doesn’t then it will be a root category … this variable holds the parent category ID otherwise assign zero. Category Name, Category Description, Display Order, Show In Main Menu, Icon File ( category name , description, upload icon file, sort order and option to include in main menu or not ) Edit existing category Delete existing category and all sub-categories below it Change display order for categories and subcategories Upload icons to each category when add new category and subcategory or edit it Show popups with description when the category title is moused over

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Server Requirements Supports PHP 5 .2.x or later Supports MySQL 5.x or later (Requires 1 Database)

Can be tweaked or modified once purchased if you know the PHP language.

Support Please contact with any questions you may have via e-mail (admin[at]