Mega Contact

Last Update
10 February 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Mega Contact is a versatile and flexible Ajax contact form builder created from the ground up. It allows you to quickly construct an Ajax contact form and incorporate it into your page. Both, front (JQuery) and back-end (PHP) are written in an Object Oriented style that allows for extensibility and code reuse in an efficient manner.

With the exception of the reCaptcha service by Google, Mega Contact does not use any third party code or plugin. There is a single JQuery file written as a plugin and a single PHP class file to handle all the back-end tasks. Some highlights of Mega Contact’s functionality are listed below:


Ajax submit – NO page refresh Super easy front end validation with CSS class tags and attributes Powerful PHP back-end validation OOP – Object Oriented PHP / JQuery Supports multiple forms on the same page Compact light weight, clean code ESB – Easy Submit Bar for long forms Auto scroll to error Gracefully degrades / Works without Javascript Supports file uploads Supports MySQL database insert Email to admin Custom auto responder email Optional Receive copy of email – for sender Supports SMTP Authenticated email Settings for Inline, fade-in, slide-in, slide down and timed-fade-in JQuery animations Character count for text area elements Floating bubble response for errors JQuery Tooltip to display mouse hover messages to user Multi-select transfer list JQuery Datepicker support for date selection Built-in optional reCaptcha Built-in honey-pot Built-in form-token to help prevent cross site request forgery (CSFR) Default light and dark theme Easy to extend and modify


PHP 5.2 or greater MySQL database if you want to record form data

Demo and Documentation Demo and documentation are available at the following adress: Support Feel free to contact me from my CodeCanyon profile page License The Regular License permits you to use Mega Contact on one website, however, you can have multiple forms on that website. If you want to use Mega Contact on another website, you will need to purchase an additional Regular License. Updates and Changes Please check the “Version History” in the documentation.