Secure Login System

Last Update
15 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Secure Login System is a new and complex web application that can be used to protect pages you need to be hidden from visitors and visible only to the registered members as well as an user management system, because it comes with an Admin backend which has the following features:

Manage Users ( Create / Disable Users & Change Level of Access )

Backup Users ( Backup Database / Rollback Backups )

Notify Users ( Email Users )

Export CSV ( Export Data in CSV File )

Admin Setings ( Update Info )

Also, this application it’s based on two sides, one is the PHP Class that handles all the Server Side processes and data processing, and the other one is the jQuery Plugin which handles the forms and all the processes with Ajax and smooth transitions, without page redirects. What the jQuery plugin does, basically, it generates on fly the login form and appends it to the chosen element. It also generates the sign up, recover and reset form. This is one of it’s main functions, but it also handles all the PHP processes with AJAX so it can create a friendly user interface. Support for placeholders is also enabled for the login inputs and the recover password inputs. Beside all of the above features, it also has embedded a nice spinner generated with JavaScript and a smooth shake effect upon login process and recover password process. If you’ll read the documentation you will see that this plugin has plenty of other features and extensive options for a better interaction. A quick example of how to bind the login form to a web page would be this, but read more in the documentation: $('selector').loginsys();

As for the PHP class, it takes care of the login process and it’s related features ( registration, password recovery and password reset ) as well as the Admin backend processes. It has a complex built in hashing algorithm for hashing passwords so in case the database it’s compromised there will be no way to find the actual passwords. As an important notice, the login and all the process like credentials verification, email validation and everything else it’s done via Server Side and not with JavaScript, only the way these processes are handled it’s done with JavaScript for a better and more friendly user interface. The backend processes are also handled by the class, but you can read the documentation for further information. But this isn’t all you get with this item. You also get a custom User Interface and a good looking style not just for the forms but for the Admin backend too. And more, besides the CSS , this item’s style has been developed on a LESS platform so changing the look and feel would be easier and more comfortable. Further features are to be implemented, a small list of what’s to come next would be this:

Search Tool ( to ease the way you look through all the users, a search tool will be implemented ) Ticket Submitting System ( instead of notifying through an email all the users at once, a ticket system will be implemented where the admin can notify all the users or only selected users and as a user submit a ticket with problems or other ) Levels of Acces ( as you’ve seen, this system only supports three levels of access, but as further implementation a custom system for levels of access will be created, where you’ll be able to create levels and assign the permissions for each level ) Other Data ( more data to be displayed about the users in the backend ) User Dashboard ( a simple dashboard for users where they’ll be able to update the info, passwords and other )

And lastly here’s a small list of resources that have been used to built this item, all are open source and used only to demonstrate the way this system works:

Spin JS jQuery Tools Icons Web Forms

And now get to test this item before deciding which script you’ll buy and see it working, use the following credentials to test it:

Username: admin Password: admin

Changelog Date

-application v1.0 released 05.01.2012 -in pending for sale on Envato Marketplaces 05.01.2012 -rejected because of over saturation of similar scripts reasons 06.01.2012 -application v1.1 released 20.01.2012 -in pending for sale on Envato Marketplaces 20.01.2012 -approved for sale on Envato Marketplaces 21.01.2012 -minor CSS improvements and bug fixes 23.01.2012 -changes submitted for reviewing 23.01.2012 -CSS update approved 25.01.2012 -application v2.0 released 24.03.2012 -new CSS style for all the forms and backend 24.03.2012 -style developed on LESS platform ( environment ) 24.03.2012 -support for placeholders added 24.03.2012 -enhanced options for the jQuery plugin 24.03.2012 -updated jQuery code for compatibility with the latest jQuery library 24.03.2012 -added other input fields upon registration 24.03.2012 -added other input fields for admin settings 24.03.2012 -changed the way the users are managed 24.03.2012 -added another level of access 24.03.2012 -creating user only by email ( the rest of the data gets generated ) 24.03.2012 -added backup tool for database and rollback as well 24.03.2012 -added notify users tool 24.03.2012 -added export data in a csv file per user level 24.03.2012 -changes submitted for review 24.03.2012 -update approved by review team 24.03.2012 -css bug ( affected reset form ) fixed 24.03.2012 -changes submitted for review 24.03.2012 -css changes accepted 25.03.2012