ipad 3

Ribbon Player - HTML5 Animated Video Player

Ribbon Player - HTML5 Animated Video Player

Robust HTML5 player that supports 99% of browsers When you hover over the video, the controls animate in like a ribbon, wrapping around the video. It is incredibly customisable with 8 different colours and 5 additional styles to choose from.Check out the video preview to see it in action! Ribbon Player doesn’t just look awesome. It is built on the wonderful open source library, video.js. The player has HTML5 awesomeness for new browsers/mobil...



  Customize your iOS applications with iAppearance like never before with a line of code ! . You can customize UI objects such as :   UINavigationBar UIToolbar UITextField UIButton UIBarButtonItem UISwitch UISlider UISegmentedControl UITabBar   Getting Started :   Drag MKAppearance classes [.h/.m] to your project  Import MKAppearance class into your header file :    #import "MKAppearance.h" ...



Update 1.1 Compatible with iOS 6.+ Added basic universal project New Facebook integration    TurnThePhotos is a simple solution to turn your photos into a beautiful album ! , This project designed specifically for the iOS applications with an easy implementing and great features.  How to add your photos ? Drag your photos into the project , make sure that Add To Target is checked . Find Photos.plist in Image folder  Add th...

Path Style Menu

Path Style Menu

Path style menu This is a multi-level menu inspired by Path 2.0 UI which has sky rocketed the Path application in the App store, proving that a distinctive UI can really give you the edge in a competitive marketplace with similar products. When the user presses or clicks the button, menu items expand and place themselves around the main button forming an arc, a circle, line up horizontally or vertically. To close the menu the user needs to...

iRSS - for iPad - A simple RSS Reader

iRSS - for iPad - A simple RSS Reader

iRSS for iPad is a simple to use RSS reader. (Comes with implementation guide). iRSS uses the combination of a UITableView and UIWebView to download and present an RSS feed to the user. iRSS is based on a Single View Application and works on iOS 4.3 and higher. Advantages of using iRSS: - Super easy to implement into existing iPad applications: iRSS works with all types of iPad applications, from Single View Applications to Tab Bar Appli...

Simple & Lightweight Project/Client Manager

Simple & Lightweight Project/Client Manager

Overview Would you like to manage all your projects and clients from anywhere on any device? Simple & Lightweight Project/Client Manager does this and more a lot. Like it’s name say, let you manage in an easy and simple way, all your projects and clients through a easy advanced user interface that suits to newer device like iPads, iPhone, Android and all new Browsers. Control your payments, share files and messages with your clients using ...

TouchCarousel - Posts Content Slider for WordPress

TouchCarousel - Posts Content Slider for WordPress

TouchCarousel is a posts content slider WordPress plugin with touch navigation for mobile devices. You can slide custom post types, with custom taxonomies (categories, tags, e.t.c.) and create layout templates using simple templating system. It’s created based on TouchCarousel jQuery plugin, selling on CodeCanyon. New RoyalSlider for WordPress now supports posts sliding, I recommend using it instead of TouchCarousel when you don’t need mult...

HTML5 Video Player with Playlist & Multiple Skins

HTML5 Video Player with Playlist & Multiple Skins

VERSION V 3.0 IS AVAILABLE. CHECK LIVE PREVIEW! New Features: – .ogv support was removed, now the player needs only .mp4 and .webm extensions – compatible with jQuery 1.9, too – small code improvements. MULTIPLE SKINS INCLUDED You can choose from 5 skins for each player. To choose the skin just set “skin” parameter. Ex: skin: universalBlack FULLSCREEN It supports full screen, having all the controllers usable in full screen mod...

iOs Ebook Starter Kit with Video Guide Tutorials

iOs Ebook Starter Kit with Video Guide Tutorials

Add in your own images and publish a realistic page-turning book to your iPad immediately! Then add a little extra code to really make your book standout for inclusion in the App Store. Supports iPad 1, 2 and 3! Updated for Cocos2d v2 - One eBook template without code for In-App Purchasing - One eBook template with code for In-App Purchasing - One eBook template with code for In-App Purchasing, a video player, sound FX, animated image...

Iphone/Ipad Contact List Filter

Iphone/Ipad Contact List Filter

Description This Plugin can help you filter contact list by alphabet, keyword, and scroll like iphone Details iScroll4 Jquery Fully tested and compatible with in FireFox 3+, Safari, Chrome 5+, Mobile Safari (iPhone, iPad)