iRSS - for iPad - A simple RSS Reader

Last Update
7 April 2012
Regular License
Extended License

iRSS for iPad is a simple to use RSS reader. (Comes with implementation guide). iRSS uses the combination of a UITableView and UIWebView to download and present an RSS feed to the user. iRSS is based on a Single View Application and works on iOS 4.3 and higher.

Advantages of using iRSS:

- Super easy to implement into existing iPad applications: iRSS works with all types of iPad applications, from Single View Applications to Tab Bar Applications on the iPad. iRSS is also easy to customise (in terms of design, RSS feed URL , etc…), making it easy for the developer to customise and integrate iRSS into their existing or upcoming iPad applications.

- Works with iOS 4.3 and higher.

- Load any type of RSS feed.