Easy Image Edit

Easy Image Edit

Let’s say you’re building an image gallery, and need to resize, scale, crop or compress images on the fly without doing it manually, this is the right script for you! This PHP image editor class is a small, yet extremely powerful script for you to do those boring time consuming batch editing tasks without any hassle! Supports the following file types: JPEG GIF PNG This script allows you to: Resize image to a certain height and ...

Image Butler

Image Butler

Image Butler is an object oriented gallery widget. Most of the templates on Theme Forest make use of the fancybox jquery plugin to create wonderfull image galleries. These galleries requires a full image and a thumbnail, and generating those calls for some work. Image Butler make this process easy, fast and almost automagic. These are the most notable features: Renders a lightbox style gallery with thumbnail, full image and description. ...

Image Watermarker Script

Image Watermarker Script

Watermarker Script (class) enables you to easily watermark your images requested on the fly or watermark your images/uploaded images and save them to a directory, this package includes three usable/helpful examples. Of course you can set your own watermark image. ^^

PHP Directory Handler

PHP Directory Handler

Updated: Version 2.0.1 2 classes that handle displaying the contents of a given directory. DirectoryHandler is for general directories with any assortment of files. ImageDirectory extends the functionality of DirectoryHandler by displaying directories specifically containing images; also makes use of lightbox. Perfect for displaying directories in a clean way, and an easy way to create an image gallery without the need for a database. Uses ...

Custom Twitter Search

Custom Twitter Search

Custom Twitter Search A simple twitter webapp that will search by @mention, #hash, or custom keywords and highlights the results. New Feature: Results will be updated every 2 seconds with jquery fade in. No Database or Twitter login required! Easy HTML /CSS customization, default values can be configured through one file. Files in this webapp: index.php style.css setup_twitter_search.php twitter_class.php jquery-1.3.2.min.js (only re...

Advanced Image Upload & Management

Advanced Image Upload & Management

The Advanced Image Upload & Management script allows you to login to an administration panel and then upload an image (JPG/JPEG/GIF/PNG) to your server. However, it has some advanced features which are: No MySQL database needed, totally flat-file driven. Entire script controlled from a single settings file. Automatically resize uploaded images to your specified width while maintaining the original aspect ratio. This is ideal i...

Image Upload and Resize Script

Image Upload and Resize Script

A quick and easy Image Upload and Resize form and script. This file includes a PHP script (class) that will let you easily resize in ratio and proportion form-uploaded or pre-uploaded images in your server, will also let you create high quality thumbnails of uploaded images.

Simple Multiple File Upload

Simple Multiple File Upload

This component allows users to upload multiple files from a single form. Uses the jQuery Javascript library to add more file input fields so that the page doesn’t need to be refreshed. Features Simple to include Allows multiple files to be uploaded at once Highly configurable Only allow certain file types Attaches uploaded files to an email Updated (22/07/09) The script now includes the PHPMailer class so that all uploaded files can be em...

Image Server Script

Image Server Script

—Retrieve your images at any-size without the need to store Thumbnails and different size images of the same image. FEATURES Easy install Store an image, retrieve it at any-size you like Works in ALL browsers PNG , JPG, GIF formats supported Perfect for Photo Galleries, Ad campaigns, shopping carts, or whatever you can think of As easy as <img src="http://yoursite/image.php?image=image01.png&height=200" />...

Flip Menu

Flip Menu

Flip Menu is simple JavaScript driven menu, which is written on top of jQuery JavaScript framework. Its main features are: Smooth transitions Simple and clean interface 4KB JavaScript footprint Works in IE 6 , 7, 8, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome XHTML compliant