photo upload

Dead Simple Gallery

Dead Simple Gallery

What does it do? Dead Simple Gallery can create a gallery, based on a folder on your server that contains original images. The script does all the tedious work for you, by automatically creating and caching thumbnails and big images, it outputs a (X)HTML list of thumbnails that link to bigger image versions. It acts as a straightforward gallery CMS – add or remove images from your gallery folder and the website will update automatically, ren...

Website Gallery (with Slider & Facebook Support)

Website Gallery (with Slider & Facebook Support)

Website Gallery is a full-featured PHP photo gallery script designed to allow you to quickly add and display a collection of albums on your website, either by uploading pictures from your computer or by importing albums from Facebook like/fan pages or user accounts. Website Gallery is a standalone PHP script, but includes a wordpress plugin to connect Website Gallery and Wordpress and allow the use of shortcodes. Use on a PHP website or use...



This example is for a Instant Photo Sharing App iOS template built on Appcelerator’s Titanium. This boilerplate template has standard styling except for the icons. From here you can apply your own graphics and functionality. Examples of use could be for an app similar to those such as Instagram, Camera+, Hipstamatic. Note the Camera will only work on the testing or live device… It will not run withi...

Easy Gallery (no database required)

Easy Gallery (no database required)

A gallery module that allows you to create different folder and upload image through backend admin page or FTP . Image uploaded through backend can be resized to different dimension. 4 different view modes in frontend with flexible customization settings. NO DATABASE REQUIRED Ideal for CMS (i.e. Personal portfolio, Wedding album etc.) Gallery Demo Gallery Frontend Gallery Backend (login / password: admin / admin) Easy Gallery F...

PHP - AJAX Image Gallery Management

PHP - AJAX Image Gallery Management

PHP – AJAX Image Gallery is a photo and gallery manager which uses PHP and AJAX technology and mysql database. You can determine the thumbnail size, maximum width / height and drag&drop to sort order. Embed your galleries anywhere on your pages. You can also upload your photos directly from your FTP program and the script automatically creates galleries and thumbnails. Updates v1.3 – Multiple Image Uploads Feature v1.4 – Gallerifi...

OpenEyes Image Tagging And Image Uploader.

OpenEyes Image Tagging And Image Uploader.

You can easily upload, resize and tagg images with OpenEyes Image Tagging script. This is simple Image tagging control which looks like the Facebook Photo Tagging application. I can’t find image tagg script and i decided to write it. but you don’t have to Some features Easily upload and resize image. Simple adding to your site. Image tagging and mapping. You can use image tags for link and redirection. Language support. He...

XGal - High End Gallery Machine

XGal - High End Gallery Machine

Short description XGal 1.3 2010-03-12 Keep in touch with updates and subscribe to New since V1.3: added missed logout option/function, added Pretty Photo Gallery – all updates can be found detailed further down in the changelog New since V1.2: added 2nd upload option for multiple files (conf) – all updates can be found detailed further down in the changelog XGal offers you the possibility manage your images and lets you create...

Image Watermarker Script

Image Watermarker Script

Watermarker Script (class) enables you to easily watermark your images requested on the fly or watermark your images/uploaded images and save them to a directory, this package includes three usable/helpful examples. Of course you can set your own watermark image. ^^