Dead Simple Gallery

Last Update
28 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

What does it do?

Dead Simple Gallery can create a gallery, based on a folder on your server that contains original images. The script does all the tedious work for you, by automatically creating and caching thumbnails and big images, it outputs a (X)HTML list of thumbnails that link to bigger image versions.

It acts as a straightforward gallery CMS – add or remove images from your gallery folder and the website will update automatically, rename the images and image titles will update based on image names, cute_dogPhoto.jpg becomes Cute Dog Photo (they will show up if you use Lightbox or a similar solution).

You can get it running in 5 minutes. It does not require any PHP knowledge (but if you know PHP just a tiny bit, you can squeeze a lot more out of the script).

What is it good for?

Dead Simple Gallery can be used for:

Static pages that show a list of images. Since image thumbnails are created automatically — it’s a lot faster than creating thumbnails in Photoshop or any other app. JavaScript galleries that use Lightbox, Fancybox or other scripts. It can work with jQuery, Mootools or any other framework of your choice. You can create such a gallery in under 5 minutes. Image slideshows. Images list generated by a Dead Simple Gallery can be converted to a slideshow in no time! You can use it as a simple gallery CMS for your clients, and all that without setting up a database or complicated install processes, and your clients can manage their gallery through FTP!

Main features

Manage the gallery by using an FTP or file browser, fast setup and ease of use – requires just one file and one line of PHP code to get started, you can’t get it easier than this, customizability – while it works perfectly out of the box, you can easily customize it to fit your needs, generates images on the fly, this applies both to thumbnail and big image previews, all images are cached for optimum performance, generates thumbnails using scale or crop operations, automatic conversion of image file names to human friendly alt and title attributes, cute_dogPhoto.jpg becomes Cute Dog Photo, JPEG, GIF & PNG support, easy integration with JavaScript & jQuery galleries like Lightbox, Fancybox, etc., easy integration with image slideshows, supports both HTML & XHTML, style the gallery however you like.

Configuration options

With basic PHP knowledge you can configure the following:

gallery directory, thumbnails cache directory, big images cache directory, thumbnail dimensions, big image dimensions, image operation type (available crop and scale), allowed file types, HTML output type – HTML or XHTML, JPEG compression level, NEW! – Full controll over HTML output with placeholders

Required skills

Basic FTP knowledge Basic HTML & CSS knowledge (if you wish to style the gallery) If you want to customize the script, basic PHP knowledge would help, but you can get away just with the ability to copy & paste from extensive documentation and demo files that are attached with the script.

Technical requirements

For the script to work you need a server running PHP (ver. 5.2 or above recommended), with GD library enabled. You don’t need a database.

How can I know if it will run on my server?

Put this free test script inside the same directory you would put your gallery folder, and run it in the browser (be sure to unzip it first). It will test your server for compliance with Dead Simple Gallery script.

What’s in the box

Dead Simple Gallery Script, full documentation, you can also get it here, demos with different usage samples, quickstart tutorial showing how to apply the Dead Simple Gallery to a sample website.

Feel free to ask if you have questions. I’ll do my best to help!

Updates And Change Log: 26/03/2013 – Version 1.1.2

Bugfix – improved use of strict coding standards so that newer versions of PHP don’t show notices for array_pop() function.

20/02/2013 – Version 1.1.1

Bugfix – fixed variable name inconsistency between script file, demos and documentation.

02/02/2013 – Version 1.1.0

New feature added – Added full HTML output control with placeholders. Improvement – Changed variable naming convention (all Dead Simple Gallery variables are now prefixed with dsg_) Bugfix – fixed a bug that caused strange order of images on some servers.

19/07/2012 – Version 1.0.0

Initial release