Image Butler

Last Update
23 July 2009
Regular License
Extended License

Image Butler is an object oriented gallery widget. Most of the templates on Theme Forest make use of the fancybox jquery plugin to create wonderfull image galleries. These galleries requires a full image and a thumbnail, and generating those calls for some work. Image Butler make this process easy, fast and almost automagic. These are the most notable features: Renders a lightbox style gallery with thumbnail, full image and description. Doesn’t requires databases. Accepts jpeg, gif and png fileformat. Transparency support. Thumbnail generation is completely automatic, just cut the image (flickr style) and Image Butler will take care of the rest! Tons of customization options. Image Butler works with any kind of lightbox style galleries! Supports UTF -8 item descriptions. Password protected AJAX admin. Very fast rendering of the gallery. OOPhp fully compatible with PHP4 . Update 1 ->Added transparency support