PHP Directory Handler

Last Update
7 May 2010
Regular License
Extended License

Updated: Version 2.0.1

2 classes that handle displaying the contents of a given directory. DirectoryHandler is for general directories with any assortment of files. ImageDirectory extends the functionality of DirectoryHandler by displaying directories specifically containing images; also makes use of lightbox. Perfect for displaying directories in a clean way, and an easy way to create an image gallery without the need for a database. Uses standard HTML mark-up for easy styling.

Version 2.0.1 Updates:

2 bug fixes (one in each class) Inclusion of readme.txt in zip file Version 2 Updates:

Sample index.php file included Uses JQuery Accordion to display subdirectories Cleaner default CSS Automatically detects file extensions and displays icon for doc, xls, ppt, txt, pdf, and mp3