
Easy Pagination for WordPress

Easy Pagination for WordPress

A true 2-in-1 product. Turn your long Posts and Pages into beautiful looking slideshows, as easy as inserting a few tags, by the click of your mouse. You can choose between 3 different transitions; Horizontal Slider, Vertical Slider or Fade. The Horizontal and Vertical slider can be combined with 32 jQuery Easing Effects. And you can choose between 6 different navigation templates and even customize it your self if you feel like it! This...

Automatic CSS Tooltip for WordPress

Automatic CSS Tooltip for WordPress

This plugin lets you add great looking tooltips to words or key-phrases of your choice throughout your website. Just create one tooltip and it will automatically display for the chosen word or key-phrase throughout your entire website. Choose between 30 color schemes. All based on CSS without any images. You can choose which sections of the website you want to show the tooltips as well as choose the specific templates it should show on. If ...

easySite - Infinite sidebars plugin

easySite - Infinite sidebars plugin

This is a technical, but very useful plugin which will help you to customize your WordPress website sidebar with different widgets for each page, post or category. easySite infinite sidebars plugin is compatible with 3.+ version of WordPress. Also this plugins detect and applies to any custom post defined in your theme or plugins. The functionality is easy to understand and is perfectly integrated in default WordPress admin panel. On bot...

Testimonials for WordPress

Testimonials for WordPress

With this plugin it’s possible to create/collect/manage and show testimonials of your clients and users. The plugin consists of a Custom post type were you can manage your testimonials. A widget to display testimonials. And I also added a shortcodes to show a form in the frontend so that your clients can submit their own testimonials. After submission they first need to be accepted by an admin before they will be published on the website. Fea...

WordPress Media Gallery - Ken Burns Effect

WordPress Media Gallery - Ken Burns Effect

WordPress Media Gallery Introduction WordPress Media Gallery is the ultimate gallery for your WordPress site. It supports any kind of content from simple images to advanced inline content to videos. Because of this, it can be used not only as a gallery, but also as a slider, banner rotator, video gallery and more! This is the only gallery you will ever need! WordPress Media Gallery Features supports images, videos and inline content support...

PayPal Payment Terminal Wordpress

PayPal Payment Terminal Wordpress

LAST UPDATE RELEASED – JULY 8 2012 Start accepting paypal payments on your wordpress site in 2 minutes! This script would be ideal for taking donations/contributions on your blog, or accepting payments from your clients or receiving payments for pre-defined services!Features: -display as widget in sidebar or in any page/post -unlimited services addition -super easy installation -view all transactions -filter transactions by date period -...

Wordpress Like Locker - Like to Read Plugin

Wordpress Like Locker - Like to Read Plugin

Tap into Facebook’s 620 million users with the Wordpress Like Locker plugin. WP Like Locker will allow you to add thousands of fans to your Wordpress site on Facebook with almost no work. More likes = more traffic = more money! The first plugin of its kind it allows you to wrap your post content in a “Like Locker” that will require the user to like the post to view the content. Build a social media super presence over night by locking all, or...

API Client

API Client

This is a class that you can’t miss in your developer toolbox. These days almost every website or application uses API ’s to get or store data, and that’s were this class is created for. It helps you to communicate with all types of API ’s. Even if you don’t have CURL on your server the class will fallback to an implementation that uses “fopen” without loosing any functionality. You will still be able to choose headers, request methods, timeou...

jQuery Horizontal Drop-Down Menu

jQuery Horizontal Drop-Down Menu

The script is a complex jQuery horizontal menu plugin with an unlimited number of submenus, easy to integrate. easy to change the appearance via CSS . a simple menu structure. You can mix different effects show and hiding – fade and slide. easy integration of WordPress. Last Updates (21 September 2011) Mouseout function works properly. Ability to hide items when mouse is outside. Do you like this script?