WordPress Media Gallery - Ken Burns Effect

Last Update
27 September 2011
Regular License
Extended License

WordPress Media Gallery Introduction WordPress Media Gallery is the ultimate gallery for your WordPress site. It supports any kind of content from simple images to advanced inline content to videos. Because of this, it can be used not only as a gallery, but also as a slider, banner rotator, video gallery and more! This is the only gallery you will ever need!

WordPress Media Gallery Features

supports images, videos and inline content

supports unlimited items – rotate as many items as you wish

7 transitions

intuitive admin panel

slideshow mode – with independent time for each item that you can define in the DZS Admin Panel provided

values you can set up for each item – description (the description from the top), initialZoom(any value you wish), finalZoom, slideshowTime ( the time the banner rotator stays focused on the specific item ), burn effect time ( the time you wish the effect to take ), url (if no url is set the item will just be a image with no link on click ), transitionType(easeInSine,linear etc.) , initialposition, final position (choose from topleft,topcenter,topright,middleleft,middlecenter,middleright,bottomleft,bottomcenter,bottomright ) and more!

autoresize option – no more resizing with photoshop, there is an options panel option to enable autoresize

ken burns effect – enhance your presentation and amaze your clients with the ken burns effect this gallery has integrated

DZS Admin Panel included DZS Video Gallery included

WordPress Media Gallery Updates For updating, disable and delete the previous version, and install the new downloaded one UPDATE 3 .1 [ 09/27/2011 ]

added some options fixed a bug on ie7 / ie8 where the thumbs would not show

UPDATE 2 .2 [ 08/19/2011 ]

import, export database option added other ie7 and ie8 stability issues fixed

UPDATE 2 .1 [ 05/26/2011 ]

fixed a bug with multiple galleries on the same page fixed ie7 and ie8 bugs

UPDATE 2 .0 [ 05/22/2011 ]

gallery can now take content from posts and from Flickr API ( can take images from a Flickr Set ) fixed some bugs load on document ready or document loaded ( all images loaded ) option widget mode included ( can be dragged in the sidebar or footer if theme supports widgets )

UPDATE 1 .4 [ 11/05/2011 ]

added a new upload method for those whose WP uploader does not work ( details in the FAQ ) added a option to choose load method ( on document load or document ready )

UPDATE 1 .3 [ 24/04/2011 ]

fixed a bug where the gallery would not appear outside posts fixed a IE7 bug

UPDATE 1 .2 [ 21/04/2011 ]

added roll over effects on the thumbs and arrows gallery now detects videos and auto sets slideshow time to 1000 removed the accidental preview from the package fixed a IE7 compability

UPDATE 1 .1 [ 19/03/2011 ]

added 5 more transitions added IE9 compability

What do you get?

plugin - you can just upload it to wordpress via upload zip file readme - documentation LIFETIME updates! – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free

free support! – for installation via my forum -> http://digitalzoomstudio.net/support/ this is the fastest form of support

Possible Panning Positions Admin panel screenshot Credits Creative photos – http://www.flickr.com/photos/markjsebastian/